Chapter 3

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Dear diary,

Matilda ran to the toilet where I was and shouted my name "Bailey, bailey, please come out!"She said. "Am sorry about what happened it wasn't your fault" She said to me. "Bailey please come out" she went further. "Matilda, that was embarrassing, did you see that? I regret ever running, I regret ever going to the cafeteria and above all, I regret coming to Mount olive" I said crying. "Don't think like that Bailey, please be POSITIVE!" She said to me.

"Matilda, please I can't come out. My clothes are in a mess!" I said to her. "Okay Bailey, I have an idea, just unlock the door first". She said. I then unlocked the door and came out. "So what's the idea?" I asked her. "Okay Bailey, since it's only your top that got messed up, I have a purple sweater in my bag which you can wear on your top". "Ok! Thanks" I said. Matilda ran out and she was back in 2minutes time with the sweater. I wore it and we both left for class, people laughed out their ribs just sighting me. And I was embarrassed.


After, we went for physical fitness class and we were told to join a sport club before we go home. I loved playing basket ball so I joined the girls basket ball team named "The Legend Gals" While Matilda joined Girls soccer named "Gals big shot".

"Um! Matilda Am not sure I will go to that school again after what happened to me today. It was so......embarrassing. "Bailey it was indeed embarrassing but you still have to go to school. That's high school for you; you just got to ignore them". We discussed so many things on our way home. I arrived home and as usual mom was not there. She was at work. So she normally keeps the key under the carpet. I opened the door and got in, I really miss my dad, but I think he will be back in a month's time. I entered my room and found a letter on my bed signed by mom

"Bae, welcome back from school and for sure; the bracelet

Gave you the best luck ever! Can't wait to hear the gist about school



I finished looking at the letter and sighed at it, squeezed it and gave to the bin to sort out. "What a miserable day" I said to myself. I entered into the shower room and had a shower and I went to the kitchen to eat and I saw the carbohydrate, protein {Rice and meat} I was supposed to eat at the cafeteria and I went to the fridge and took the vitamin {Fruit juice} I was suppose to take at the cafeteria. Before I lost my appetite because of what happened.

****Three hours later****

Ding dong!! The bell rang and I stood up lazily to go open the door and guess who was there? It was mom. "Welcome back mom!" I greeted. "Oh thanks, Common Bae, I can't wait to hear the interesting story of how your day went at mount olive" Mom said holding my hands to the living room. "Have your seat" Mom said. "Mom you tell me that in my house? To have a seat?" I said laughing. "I don't......." I wanted to say something before she interrupted me. Start now Bae, please start!" mom said.

"But mom, I wanted to say something before you interrupted me" I said to her. "I want to start by saying that I...Hate Mount Olive high school. "You mean you Love..., wait, wait, what did you just say?" Mum asked with her voice tone changed.

"I said I hate mount Olive high-school". This time, mom looked disappointed. "Why?" she asked me "What happened to the good luck bracelet, you threw it away right? Because I know it worked for me" Mom said smiling. "Mom you needed to see what happened to me today, so embarrassing. Well, I met a new friend today named Matilda" I said smiling. "She's so, so nice!" I added. "How did you meet her?" Mom asked interestedly. "Matilda lives a few blocks away. So this morning when I was running out of the house, I mistakenly hit her. I apologized and she said it was okay. When I was about to leave, she stopped me to ask me where Mount Olive high school is located and I told her I was going there. So we walked to school together and I got to know her. "Wow, that's nice and also good news. Okay time for you to tell me what happened to you that you so hate mount Olive, the best school here in Texas". "Mom, it's so embarrassing and thinking about it will make me sad as though it's happening a second time. I said to mom and she said "Just go on!" "Okay, it was break time and I and Matilda went to the cafeteria. We took our food to the first table and we were called LOSERS! My friend was about to seat on the next chair and she was called a LOSER. So we decided to go to an empty seat at the back. When we were about to go and sit there, I slipped and fell and all the food poured on me and the students all laughed. Can you imagine? My first day at school for that matter and I was not able to make a good impression" I told mom with Agony. Guess what mom did next? She started laughing as though it was funny. "Mom what's funny?" I asked her.

"Girl, I am laughing because you're ignorant. Bailey, its high school and things happen there which should make you wise and matured. Okay let me make this clear that in high-school, there are two categories of people. Numbers 1 are those who try to fit in while number 2 are the ones that stand out. Why even try to fit in when you were born to stand out? Bailey, I want you to be a category and the one I choose for you is the number 2; people that standout and shine no matter what. It's now left for you to choose one for yourself. In high school, we have bullies, dream killers, distracters and back stabbers so many of them. I really want you to be different from them" Mum said to me...and I feel like is the best advice ever. "Okay mum, thank you" I said hugging her. "You're welcome and by the way I would love to see your friend tomorrow" Mom said leaving. "Okay mum" I said. I set moms food and she ate it fast and I saw stress written all over her face. Mum was going in to have a shower and sleep.....I guess! I reminded her about our night prayers. We prayed and I went to my room. I called Matilda to tell her what mom said and she gave me good news that her dad got the job. She said she will come the following morning to see my mum before we go to school.

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