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Chapter 15
The next morning was ruff. I got out of bed, feeling my entire body ache. I was walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and it hurt just to walk. Was last night that bad? I glanced up at the mirror in front of me and looked at the person staring back at me. I had a scratch on my face, and a couple on my arms. And then bruises were scattered. I didn't know I had this happen to me. I knew Spiderman had tons and I'm not surprised, but not a lot happened to me. Whatever, I'll just hope that makeup does a good job covering it up. I got in the shower, making sure that the temperature was right. Stepping in I took in the nice feeling of water running down my back, covering my body in water droplets. I began to wash and condition my hair. Soap and water rushing down my back, and hearing the water hit the shower floor. When soap and water touched the scratch's it stung, but it would eventually fade. A lot of times when I'm in the shower I'm in such a relaxed state that I loose consciousness of everything around me and just try to soak up those six minutes or peace.
Once I was done with my shower I dried off and wrapped my hair in a towel, along with my body. I walked back to my room and picked out something to wear. I wanted to cover up whatever was really visible so I wore jeans and a sweater. 
Knowing I needed to cover up the scratch on my face I looked through the little makeup that I had and realized I just ran out of concealer.
Well this will be a challenge.
I looked through the rest of my things seeing I only had mascara, eye liner, old concealer, a beauty blender and an old compact powder. I grabbed the powder and took my beauty blender, and started to pound and pack on the powder to the large scratch on my face. I realized clogging my pores wasn't going to do much, so I stopped. It covered a little, but you could still kinda see the redness and definitely the outline of the scratch. This is all I got, so I will roll with it. I tried to make my hair fall in front of my face a bit, to hide it even more. Quickly putting on some mascara, and eyeliner I grabbed my backpack and headed down stairs to get a bite of breakfast.
I walked into the dining room, seeing Adam at the table eating cereal looking at Sunday's cartoons and my dad in the kitchen making something.
" Morning Sunshine" He greeted.
" Morning Dad"
" How did you sleep, did you get home ok?"
" Yeah why wouldn't I?"
" Oh I'm just worried about that Electro guy and Spiderman out on the loose. I bet the Spider kid is ok, but I just worry about the Electro man"
Okay, play it cool.
" Oh-uh yeah, of course. I'll keep an eye out"
" How has school been for both of you two as well?"
" Good" Adam and I say at the same time. I glance down at my phone and see the time.
" Shoot, I gotta run. See you guys later!" I say while grabbing an apple, and running out the door.
" Have a good day, and BE SAFE!!" My dad says before I close the door and make my way down the stairs and out of the apartment building.

I walked into school with my earbuds in, not really caring anymore. I was sore from last night and I never had a chance to talk to Peter. But he's with Gwen so I guess it doesn't really matter anymore. Why would he care? I might as well tell him though, I was rude. I don't know. When the time is right I'll talk to him somehow. Making my way towards my locker a saw many students come into school as well, coming in with their friends, couples holding hands or locking arms. I opened my locker and took out what I would need for the day.  Once I had what I needed I walked into class, and like always claimed a seat in the back. My teacher is pretty laid back in this class, so there's not a lot to worry about. I sat back, and just took in the music going into and bouncing around in my ear. I watched as people flooded into the room, either talking to their friends, on their phone, or coming to the back just like me hoping for no social interaction what so ever. When class finally started I listened, just trying to keep my mind off everything and possibly stay in a good mood. But that I guess never happens. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Peter glancing over at me every now and then, but I just ignored it. All I was focused on was getting through the day, and spending time with my mom at the hospital. I had promised myself that I would see her everyday and I haven't seen her since Sunday, and it's now Wednesday.

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