1. Morning

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The sun is penetrating through the shutters, slowly waking up the older man. He batts his eyelashes, reconnecting with the world around him. He straightens up a little observing Steven's body, which is positioned next to his, their legs intertwined. With the tip of his finger, he starts tracing the contour of his shoulder, his lips starting to kiss the sun-bathed skin. Steven moves against him, he moves his head so that it rests on the arms of the older, which he uses as a pillow. Duff smiles, moving the blond hair so he can rub his nose against Steven's neck.

- Mhmm... Duff...

He doesn't open his eyes, just groaning the name of his man. The latter smiles, leaving a kiss on the nape of Steven's neck.

- Shhh... Go back to sleep, Stevie.

He breaths out against his pillow, gliding his free hand against the waist of the smaller man.

- Mhmm...

The blond gives few caresses, he slowly massages the groin of his man, his lips leaving long wet kisses below his ear.

- Mhm... Duff...

The man in question didn't pay any attention to the appellation, he even pulled the fragile skin with his teeth, squeezing the hips of the smaller man, pressing Steven's buttocks against his lower abdomen.

- Mhmm... How do you expect me to go back to sleep... if you do that?
- Mhmm...
- Mhmm?

The drummer smiles, turning his head towards the older, kissing the corner of his lips, before the latter starts devouring his, gently pressing him upon the mattress.

- No, Duff... - Little blond groans through the kiss. - We should be getting up. - Nevertheless, he put his arms around the bassist's neck, pulling him closer.

- Umm... really? We don't have the whole morning?

Steven laughs, leaving a gentle kiss on the lips of the person in front of him before he declares, biting his lip:

- It depends in which way you're asking me...

The taller man laughs, bringing the thigh of the younger man closer to his hip, before kissing him and murmuring:

- With love?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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