Chapter Five

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Vert got into his car, and started it.

"Vert! You can't just go after that thing!" Lani shouted.

"That thing has my father Lani, I can't just sit here and do nothing!" Vert Said.

"I get it, but instead of going there by yourself, we need to make a plan. You can't just go there by yourself and risk your life." Lani Said.

Vert sighed, then turned off his car.

"Fine, but we'll need new car upgrades." Vert said.

Vert walked to a room in the mansion, and looked out at the raging storm.

As he was looking out of the window, thinking, he heard a loud thump, coming from upstairs.

Vert then grabbed a crowbar, then a flashlight.

He walked up quietly, and saw something digging around.

He was about to swing, until he saw who it was.

"Oh, hey Kurt." Vert said awkwardly.

"You weren't gonna hit me with that, were you?" Kurt asked.

"What, this? Oh, no." Vert Said, dropping the crowbar.

"Look at this, it's kind of weird." Kurt said.

"What is it?" Vert asked.

"Some sort of, robot." Kurt explained.

"Is it broken? Or is it working?" Vert asked.

"Hard to tell, it's really beat up." Kurt said.

Kurt and Vert continued to talk, until the robot, turned on.

"Um, you didn't do that, right?" Vert asked.

"No." Kurt said in a concerned tone.

The robot glitched, and turned into a bright red.

"NØBØBY I$ LEAV!NG H3RE ALIVE." The robot shouted in a distorted tone, as it pulled a large axe out of its back.

"Hey um Kurt, I think running is a GREAT IDEA!" Vert shouted.

"I agree on that!" Kurt shouted.

They both ran through the halls, down the stairs, and into the living room.

"Guys, we got to go, NOW." Vert shouted.

"Why? What's going on?" Lani asked.

Lani then saw the robot, even taller than it was a minute ago.

"Get to your cars!" Dr Tesla shouted.

Everyone jumped into their cars, and drove away quickly.

Vert slammed his foot down on the pedal, speeding up to 200mph, looking in his mirror, he noticed the robot was even closer.

"How is THIS THING so fast?!?" Lani shouted.

"No idea, but there's only one way to take this thing down." Vert Said.

Vert then got one of his Accelechargers that he's been waiting to use. A rocket launcher.

He inserted the Accelecharger, and started firing at the Robot.

"Um Vert? Where did you get that thing?" Nolo asked.

"Oh you know...found it." Vert Said.

Vert continued firing rockets at the Robot, and it was actually working.

After several rockets hitting into the Robot, it finally stopped, and fell clean onto the dirt.

The rain slammed against their car windows, lightning continued to light up the night sky.

Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Gelorums ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now