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We got to the lifeguard tower and found it was unlocked. Elle sat down on a chair and I grabbed the first aid kit, I put some alcohol on a rag I found and touched her face with it. "When did you become such a doctor" She asked? "Since I started getting into fights you kinda learn to take care of yourself when that happens" I said putting more alcohol on the rag. "Why do you get in all those fights anyway"she asked? "I don't know I guess its kinda how I'm wired" I replied. "I don't believe that"she said looking me in the eye. "I mean my parents even sent me to see a couple of counselors, but we're all fucked up in our own way" I replied. "You could change"she said. "You think I can change" looking her in the eye. "Your Noah flynn, I don't think there's much you can't do" she said moving her hand to my cheek and lip and then dropping it. I went to move my hand to put more alcohol on the rag when she grabbed my hand and moved it so our hands were lined up and she moved her fingers to where are were laced together, she did the same thing with my other hand, I pulled her closer to me, so she was on my lap. She moved her hands to where they were around my neck and I held onto her waist, "Elle we don't have to do this" I said. "Noah I want to do this as much as you want to" she said. I pulled her closer to me and I leaned to kiss her and she kissed me back. She moved to my shirt, to take it off and I did the same to her. Within a few minutes we are not two we are one. After wards Elle fell asleep, I looked down and stroked a piece of hair our of her face and when I did that she got closer to me. And I fell asleep, holding her.

elle and noah during the beach party Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat