Chapter 2

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Rahab was nervously walking through the open field with the Daughter of Da'at, where Azazel said he would meet him. Rahab had been crushed by the truth and was in a way trackless, at least he had the company of the dragon. The Angels had told him that the Dragon God had remade his heart like the ones of a dragon, and he would slowly but surely transform into one himself, he didn't really care. Seeing the tree of life in the year of stay had broken him down again but he was building himself up slowly. He went back to his prison as a Cherub now to find the Daughter of Da'at and there she was waiting for him. She said she would accompany him for some time as Rahab was a quiet person and one of the very few that didn't irritate her. He accepted as there was no one to accompany him other than her. As he walked ahead carrying her on his back, the Dragon God asked,"Why are you troubled, my companion?" He sighed,"I'm lost without my father. I do not know what to do." The girl nodded,"Your father is dead, it is sad. I will be by your side till you sort this out, my companion." Rahab nodded,"I thank you, Daughter of Da'at." The girl patted down on his wavy bluish white hair,"You are welcome, Angel of Abyss."  He hesitantly asked,"You made me your child, when you let that snake into me. Why?" The girl patted his head,"I know. I didn't want my angel to die." Rahab blushed a bit,"I see." When they reached the coordinates, he saw Azazel standing with one of the original Watchers, Baraqiel. Baraqiel was on guard, Azazel didn't really inform him who they were going to meet, he was just pulled into this by Azazel like usual. As the man with the little girl on his shoulder approached him, the little girl dropped down and Azazel got him in a hug,"Rahab, glad you came. You remember Baraqiel." Baraqiel froze, was this real, the man with shoulder cut bluish white wavey hair said meekly,"Brother, a long time." Baraqiel hugged Rahab like their was no tomorrow,"You idiot! We have been trying to find you for years and you just show up out of nowhere!" Rahab rubbed his head,"Well it was nowhere. Abyss I mean." Baraqiel hit his head,"Idiot, you had us all worried. Where were you?" He rubbed his head in embarrassment,"Well in Heaven, I umm....unfell. Yeah, that's the term we're using for now" and showed his 10 white wings and his recently discovered red halo. Baraqiel froze on seeing this and hugged him again,"Its a good reward for your torment. I'm so happy for you."

As they went through the portal that Azazel opened, the girl waved a goodbye and left in her own, Rahab followed after Azazel and Baraqiel into what appeared to be a meeting room. There he was greeted by Sahariel, Tamiel, Penemue, Armaros and Shemhazai. Azazel made him sit in a seat and said,"Well we can finally end our search for Rahab!" As the ones who didn't know were shocked and then looked at Rahab in delight. As there were cheers going around, Shemhazai asked,"So this is why you weren't worried about who unfell. Its one of our own." Rahab rubbed his neck,"You could say that brother. And also because I've already told Michael that I'd prefer to not fight anyone." Armaros chuckled,"A bold thing to say for one who was once a Angel of Death. You haven't gotten weak, have you?" Rahab chuckled,"Oh no. I'm good. I became a cherub like you all. I don't exactly know how." Armaros wistled,"That's nice." Penemue asked,"So what are your plans?" Rahab was hesitant,"Well I'll be going to the Vatican to meet the Pope. And then to find the boy who summoned me, the least I can do is to atleast make his prayers come true." As the others nodded. Tamiel asked,"And what about the devils? Have you encountered them yet?" He shook his head,"No, not really. I came across a few flyers but I destroyed them." Saharial asked,"And your thoughts on the reincarnation system?" Rahab sighed,"To be honest I don't like it. It feels like I'm being cheated. Azrael is sealed so every reincarnation goes to my head and its more irritating if I focus on it. But I understand why its necessary so I'll not say anything." Saharial chuckled,"Didn't peg you to be this open minded." Rahab chuckled,"Oh I'm not. I still want to hit the guy who came up with this, but there's talks about doing the same in Heaven and Grigori." Azazel nodded with a few more,"That's true." Azazel asked,"So anything we can do for you?" Rahab sighed,"I feel stupid asking for this but I'd like peace to continue, that was what Father died for. And if it isn't much trouble, I'd... actually leave it." Shemhazai asked,"Rahab, you can share things with us. Don't hesitate." Rahab dryly chuckled,"I wanted to meet Brother's wife, guess that's idiotic even for me." As the others sighed, Azazel patted his back,"I'll see what I can do." Shemhazai looked at him in surprise,"Azazel, that's foolish." Azazel nodded,"Yeah I know, it's my way of atonement." Rahab hugged him,"Thank you, brother." Azazel patted him,"Don't worry about it, kid." Rahab looked at his watch as it chimed,"Oh, I have to leave. I'll try to visit some other time." As they all said goodbyes and hugged, Rahab said a final goodbye and scattered into feathers to appear at the Vatican. Azazel and Sahariel whistled,"He never did tell us how he teleported."

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