Chapter 41- Dangerous

Start from the beginning

"Woah, Jack! Put that thing down!"

"One more word and I'll shoot." He threatens. "Luis, get in here!" He screeches, still with the gun toward us.

Luis? Oh please, let it not be the dreadful one that terrorized me that night. I squeeze my eyes shut as my trembling increases.

My pleads aren't answered as that same demon walks into the room. As he sets his eyes on me, a smile slips onto his lips but doesn't meet his eyes, his deep dark eyes.

"Princess! Nice seeing you again," He says, keeping up that smile.

"Don't you dare call me that Luis," I say in an ill-behaved tone of voice.

"Wait a second," Michael breaks in, "you know him?"

I sigh, wanting to look at him but scared to move, still staring down the barrel of the gun.

"Yes, me and your precious girlfriend are good friends, and I work for Jack."

He looks like he's about to say more but Jack stops him.

"Glad we are all aquatinted. Now," He declares, turning to Michael, "I have the great honor of shooting the King of Pop himself. Unless..."

"What on earth do you want?" He asks, almost desperately.


"This is pathetic! Taking me and my girlfriend hostage for this? Jack, your LaToya's manager! Don't act like you've never seen a fifty dollar bill."

"But you see Michael, the only reason I'm with your sweet sister is to get closer to you. Alondra was supposed to do the job for us, but she failed. So, give me the money now, and your lovely girl will remain untouched."

"What?!" Michael sounds so confused. I'll be having to do a lot of explaining after this nightmare is over.

Will this nightmare ever end?

"You are not doing anything to her." He spits, his grip tightening around me.

It all happens so fast. Before anything can be comprehended, I'm torn away from Michael and grabbed by Luis. He has a death hold around me, and now Jack has the gun against the side of Michael's head.

"Don't hurt him!" I wail before Luis's hand is atop my mouth. I bite down hard on it and he groans.

"You bitch!" He bellows as I crunch his foot under mine.

My vision is clouded with tears as he slams me against the wall.

"Keep your hands off of her! Or I swear you'll regret it," Michael yells.

"It doesn't have to be like this... just give me what I want. Money."

"Will you then leave us alone?" He asks.

"Yeah sure," Jack waves him off. "Now, me and Mike are going to talk business. You just wait here with Luis," he says to me.

"No! Let me go with you, you're going to hurt him!" The gun is still right next to his head.

I then see Michael's phone slip out of his pocket and drop to the carpet soundlessly. One ounce of hope enters me, but it can only stay alive if I can get my hands on it. I could call for help.

"What makes you think I won't hurt you?" Luis asks, his black eyes peering at me. I look down and see a firearm tucked in his waistband, and my heart fleets.

He's right. I don't know if he will hurt me. Jack then prods Michael with the pistol in his back as he walks to another room.

"But you know, you're right. I don't want to hurt you. You're a beautiful girl you know."

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