culpa lata

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{for jay for being awesome}

Delia surveys the rather large room and she can't help but be mildly impressed. Behind her (obviously) is the window they just came through and beside it is a long, plush couch that stretches the length of the wall to the right of the window and wraps around to extend about a quarter of the way along the south wall. (His window's on the east wall, near the far right corner). A small, sleek coffee table sits in front of the couch on top of a white rug. His floor is a dark, dustless hard wood that goes beautifully with the white walls. The entire room seems to be themed in black and white.

Black couch - white rug. White walls - dark floor. Black furniture - white paintings. It's like Delia's suddenly stepped into a 1920's movie. At least she thinks the 1920's were the decade of black and white movies. Maybe it was 1940's, she really doesn't know, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Anyway, the only visible color in the room is the light blue shirt Aiden is wearing - Delia's head-to-toe black attire blends perfectly with the colorless room.

She resumes her examination of the room. On the west wall is a large flat screen tv hooked up to several gaming consoles, their controllers lying carelessly on the floor. She can't help but notice that that is the only out of place thing she's really spotted in the room so far. The rest of it seems perfectly neat and tidy. Good, she thinks. It'll make the whole living together thing a lot more pleasant.

The north wall is all dressers and bookshelves - black, of course. The bookshelves - there are three - are lined next to each other, a few feet in between each one, each crammed with books. Delia's slightly impressed that Aiden reads this much. She finds it a slightly appealing quality. For a human.

And in the center of the room, in the middle of everything, is a pool table. She doesn't quite understand the purpose and to be completely honest, she thinks it looks kind of tacky, but whatever. It doesn't bother her that much.

To the left of the tv, is a door. Aiden points it out to her, "That's the door to my actual bedroom, which is really just a closet and my bed," he pauses thoughtfully before adding, "And the bathroom." Her disgusted look prompts him to add, "The bathroom itself isn't in my room, the door to my personal bathroom - and yours now, I guess - is in my room."

She nods in affirmation before eyeing the room once more. She can feel Aiden's wary gaze on her, though why he is wary she cannot tell. The fact doesn't bother her much; let Aiden stare, why should she care?

Turning to Aiden, she says, quite blatantly, "I suppose I'll be taking your bed then?"

He narrows his eyes at her, exits the room and returns minutes later with a single blanket and a single pillow, Delia can't help but notice. Tossing the items across the room to her (she nearly trips while catching them but she manages to both maintain her balance and her grip on the things), he keeps his face entirely neutral.

"Those should make the couch more comfortable," he tells her pointedly, drawing out the noun in his sentence as to bring attention to it.

She merely glares at him before propping the pillow against the back of her 'bed' (as apparently it is where she'll be sleeping) and laying the blanket atop the cushions. So as to maintain her unruffled aura, she says evenly, "Fine. The couch it is. However, I will need some different sleepwear, yeah? I can't sleep in this - it's dirty and would be dreadfully inconvenient. "

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