"Thanks Haz, you guys didn't have to" Louis says.

"Lou, we are so happy you're coming home, I don't think you understand" Harry says.

"Will you, are you? Can you stay?" Louis asks shyly.

"Was planning on it, if that's okay with you" Harry says.

"Yeah, I, yeah, I want you too, if you won't get sick of me" Louis says chuckling dryly a little

Harry looks towards Louis confused, why would Harry get sick of Louis. He doesn't respond and he pulls up into the Tomlinson driveway. It's just gone midday and Louis is so tired.

Harry parks and gets out of the car and goes to open Louis door, he's helped out of the car, wincing as he steps down from Harry's rover. He's still sore and will be for a while yet.

"Okay?" Harry asks and Louis nods as Harry helps him into the house slowly. It's quiet and Harry leads Louis through the house to the lounge. All the boys are there and there is a huge welcome home Louis sign across the wall.

"Lou!" Edward calls when he sees Louis and Harry walk in.

The boys all turn around smiling.

"Kiddo!"Drew says as he comes over, the boys all cuddle and kiss Louis on the head ruffling his hair, telling him how happy they are that he's home again.

"Alright give the kid some space would you?" He hears Vanessa's voice laugh.

The boys scatter and Vanessa smiles at Louis, she has long brown straight hair and big brown eyes. She's so pretty and the closest thing he's ever had to a Mum. Even though Vanessa has school a lot, she's always here on breaks and as much as she can be, seeing Drew. She's been around for years and Louis has missed her.

"Ness" Louis smiles.

"Hey Hun" she says and holds her arms out, Louis walks over as best he can and collapses in her arms.

Vanessa hugs him tightly and soothes him like only a mum can. Louis holds back his tears and the boys can see Vanessa doing the same.

"Come on Hun, let's get you resting hey" She says and leads Louis to the couch, she lies Louis down on the huge bed like couch and pulls the blanket over him.

"Comfy?" She asks

"How about we get these shoes off" Harry says as he comes over and sits on the end of the couch and begins to take Louis shoes off.

"Are you hungry or thirsty?" Scott asks as the boys come over to the couch.

"No thanks" Louis says around a yawn.

Harry gets in beside Louis and brings him over his chest. Louis is out before Harry's even settled down.

"He's thin and pale, are you sure he was okay to leave the hospital?" Vanessa asks

"I thought the same thing, I guess we just have to keep a close eye on him" Harry says.

"He's okay guys, he's responding well to the antibiotics, he doesn't need oxygen anymore, we can give him pain relief here and to be honest I think he'd much prefer being here around us" Drew says.

"Yeah, we need to fatten him up though" Edward says.

"Agreed, I feel like I'm going to break him when I hug him" Scott says,

"We need to get him talking too, let him have a few days at home but then we need to talk to him about what happened" Drew says.

They nod and the boys slowly disperse going to get things done as they assume Louis will be asleep for a while. Harry stays with Louis and holds him tightly, so glad he's able to have Louis safe in his arms again.

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