"Are you in pain Louis?" Sammy asks.

Louis nods

"I don't feel good, please make it stop" Louis says, he feel so sick and dizzy and his side is aching. The boys feel so bad they can't make Louis feel better.

"I'll try buddy, just lie back for me" Sammy says as Harry and Scott help lower Louis down.

Louis starts crying, he can't handle this.

"Hey baby, shhhhhh, it's okay, you're okay" Harry says kissing Louis head.

"Harry" Louis whispers.

"I'm right here darling, I'm right here ,I've got you" Harry says as Louis latches onto Harry's strong arm, hugging it tightly, it's the best he's going to get.

He starts feeling sleepy again and his eyes shut without his permission and he passes out.

"He's going to be like this for a while, just have to make sure he's comfortable" Sammy smiles.

"I hate seeing him like this" Scott says.

"You four are the most protective, loving brothers I've ever met and I take it you're the boyfriend" Dr green says smiling at Harry.

"Yeah" Harry blushes.

"Well he's lucky to have you all, your support will go a long way with him, I'm impressed" Doctor green finishes, smiling as she leaves the room.

"She's fond of Louis, she's not normally that nice" Sammy smiles.

The boys all smile back in response.

"It's not hard to become fond of him" Edward says.

"So I can see, I'll look after him boys" Sammy says and she too leaves the room.

The boys take a minute before they are smiling and relaxing.

"Thank fuck he's okay" Drew says.

"I can't believe he handled that so well" Edward says.

"I'm just thankful he woke up, I didn't know what I would have done" Scott says.

"Can I stay tonight?" Harry asks,

The boys all laugh.

"Of course Haz, I think he'd like that" Scott says causing Harry to smile wide, dimples popping.


"It hurts so bad" Louis says, he's becoming hysterical.

"Just relax darling, I'm right here" Harry says as he swipes his hand through Louis hair gently, trying to calm him.

"Hey kiddo, I need you to take some deep breaths for me" Sammy comes in to say, her computer outside has been notified that Louis pulse is becoming elevated.

"No....i can't, it hurts please make it stooooop" Louis cries.

"Harry, he's becoming too hysterical, we need to calm him down, it's spiking his temp and it's not good for his body" Sammy says concerned,

"Shit" Harry says.

Sammy calls another nurse Abby, into the room, instructing her to get some cool washes to help bring Louis temp down.

"Come on Louis, I know it hurts and I know you feel really sick but we just need you to calm down and we can help you, okay sweetheart" Sammy says.

"I can't, it hurts to much" Louis says as his breathing shallows once again.

"Darling, I'm right here can you look at me?" Harry asks.

Louis does and Harry smiles.

"Good boy, come on you can do this" Harry says.

"I need you" Louis says desperately and It breaks Harry's heart.

Harry is in his sweats and T-shirt, he's already taken his shoes off so he doesn't hesitate to climb into bed beside Louis, he brings Louis across his chest, Harry's arm going around his waist and the other around his head,

"Breathe baby, I'm here, I'm here" Harry tells Louis.

Sammy hooks Louis blood pressure monitor up and Abby walks in with a few washers.

"Okay buddy, were just going to help get your temp down okay" Abby says kindly.

She hands a washer to Sammy and one to Harry, Sammy pulls Louis covers off him, revealing his navy blue hospital Shorts and shirt. Abby starts on Louis legs while Sammy lifts Louis shirt up and cools his back down. Harry runs the washer over Louis face and neck.

"It's so cold" Louis says.

"It's okay Lou, just relax for us" Sammy says.

Louis just cries, he feels like shit, he begins to relax though.

"That's it sweetheart" Abby says.

"Good boy Lou" Harry praises.

Eventually Louis falls asleep again and his temperature goes down a little, not enough for Sammy's liking but at least Louis is calm and sleeping soundly.

"You know, it's not usually allowed, sleeping in the patients bed" Sammy smiles at Harry.

"Oh, yeah sorry" Harry blushes as he goes to get up.

"No, no, it's okay, you can stay, Louis is calm with you, we need him calm, just..be gone by 7" Sammy winks and Harry smiles a dimpled smile.

"Thanks" he says.

"You two are quite cute" Abby says.

Harry chuckles

"Cute?" He teases.

The girls laugh.

"Well Louis is cute, and so adorable, you're more rugged and insanely intimidating if I'm honest" Sammy says.

"Good" Harry says smiling.

"I'll be in again in 15" Sammy laughs and she leaves the room with Abby. Harry smiles holding Louis tightly

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