"Okay, yeah" Scott says in a daze, he does what he's told and radios for another ambulance, by the time Drew starts opening Louis up they can already hear sirens.

Drew makes his incision while Lucy keeps an eye on Louis stats. Louis then wakes up.

"Ahhhh" Louis whimpers, he's come to, he's in the most horrific pain he's ever been in before.

"Hey darling, you're okay, just relax" Harry says as he cups Louis cheeks.

"It hurts, ahhhh stop" Louis cries breathless.

"Lou, it's okay, it will be over in a minute kiddo, you're doing so well" Scott says as he lets a few tears slip.

Lucy then hands Scott a green whistle.

"Help him suck on that, it will help with the pain" Lucy instructs.

"Hey bud, suck on this and it helps with your pain" Scott says as Harry takes Louis oxygen mask off.

Scott holds the whistle and Louis sucks as best he can on it crying in between. He's so numb and his body is in terrible pain that he can't really register what's happening or how bad it is, which is what Drew was hoping for. When Drew has finished releasing the pressure in Louis torso he places gauges on top but leaves the wound open.

"Okay lets go, we need to move" Drew says.

Harry picks Louis up bridal style, Louis sucking on the whistle like crazy, it's a tough track up the ravine but Harry carries Louis with ease and when they get to the top they see the other ambulance waiting for them. They bring the stretcher over and Harry reluctantly puts Louis down. He's passed out again and he's led into the ambulance, Drew behind throwing instructions as he gets in the back too. Lucy drives the other ambulance back herself,

"Drew" Scott calls helplessly,

"I've got him, just get to the hospital" Drew says and the doors are shut and Louis is whisked away leaving Harry and Scott distraught and in tears and shock. Their team watches on, everyone is silent. Harry stands with his hands on his hips looking at the ground, he's trying to regain his breathing, he can't do this, he can't lose the love of his life.

Scott comes over and they both share an intense hug, telling each other everything will be fine. They let go and walk straight to their car, lights and sirens as they speed sir way to the hospital and to Louis.


It's an intense and emotional six hour wait for Louis brothers and Harry. No one moves an inch, Drew still in his blood covered uniform. They sit silently on the chairs in the private waiting room, waiting for any news. Drew was told that he saved Louis life by doing the procedure but as Louis was being taken to trauma he stopped breathing, Drew couldn't go any further and he was escorted to the waiting room with the others, listening to the doctors and nurses as they tried to bring Louis back. That's the last thing he heard, last thing they've been told and no one is handling it very well.

"Louis Tomlinson?" A Female doctor asks six hours later as she steps into the waiting room.

The boys shoot up out of their chairs.

"Yes?" Scott says his voice raw.

"Is he okay?" Edward asks.

They all wait with bated breath for the news.

The doctor smiles slightly, she's pretty with brown curly hair and green eyes. She's comforting and the boys are thankful.

"He's stable" she says and the boys sigh with relief as they wipe their tears.

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