The boys dragged Rhys in first thing this morning, in the hopes to break him.

"Rhys, what was your relationship with Louis Tomlinson, Jax Burrows and George Smith?" Scott asks.

"We were all friends" Rhys says.

"The night Jax was murdered you went straight home after you left the Tomlinson's?" Scott asks.

"Yes my street goes first so I rode straight home" Jax says.

"So you didn't sneak out or see Louis and Jax enter the Forrest together?" Scott asks

"No" Rhys says and Harry and Scott can see he's beginning to sweat.

"How close are you and George?" Scott asks.

"We are best friends" Rhys says.

"Best friends that would do anything for each other and who would keep secrets for each other?" Scott says.

"Um yeah....I guess" Rhys's says.

"George has come forward and told us that Louis and Jax were in a secret relationship and that he saw the two enter the woods the night Jax died" Scott says.

"Um I don't know anything about that" Rhys says avoiding eye contact.

Scott sighs.

"Listen Rhys, Louis is going to go down for something he didn't do, George is framing him and we all know who the real culprit is. What's George got over you?" Scott asks.

Rhys looks at his fingers and doesn't answer.

"You will go down as an accomplice if you don't cooperate with us, you will also be tried as an adult as you're already 18" Harry says.

Rhys sighs as they sit in silence.

"He....he said he'd kill me if I said anything" Rhys stutters out.

"I promise you Rhys that he won't be able to lay a finger on you, you have our word" Scott says.

Rhys looks at Scott in the eyes, he trusts Scott, he's known him and Louis brothers for two years and they have always been so nice and welcoming, they brought him, George and Jax into their family and Rhys trusts them to fix this, he can't go to jail for George and neither can Louis.

"George and Jax were going out for a while, Jax broke it off because he said he still had feelings for Louis and was planning to ask him out again. George didn't like that and got really angry about it. The night Jax died, George and him went to the Forrest, they had sex, then they had a fight, George pushed Jax and he hit his head. Louis didn't do anything it was all George, but he said he wants Louis to pay, he hates him for taking Jax away and will make sure he's framed for the murder" Rhys says and he sighs relieved when he's finished.

"Are you willing to testify and stand up in court and tell them the truth?" Scott asks.

"Yes, if I'm not implicated and Louis gets off too" Rhys says.

"We will make sure you're not charged with anything. We have one more request though" Scott says.

"Okay, I'm listening" Rhys says and the boys explain what they need him to do.


Two days later and Louis decides to venture out of his room, he's a little hungry and wants something small to eat and a cold bottle of water. He's showered and dressed in his grey sweats and white sweater, that are too big now. The boys should all be at work so he ventures into the kitchen. He sees them all sitting eating breakfast though, no one is dressed for work and even Harry is there.

Gone Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora