"Come on Lou! I'm cold" George whines.

"Look there is one place that you guys don't know about, one place I just want to check" Louis says not wanting to go back home yet.

"My Mum is going to kill me if I'm home after dark" Rhys says.

"Yeah, especially with what's happened to Jax" George says,

"Nothings happened to Jax, we can't even find him" Louis shouts.

"Louis come on, I don't want to go anywhere else" George's says angrily.

Louis wonders why he's getting angry at him, Jax is their friend for crying out loud.

"Some friends you are" Louis says heatedly.

"Fuck you Louis, the police know how to do their job, let them" George shouts back.

"I can't believe you guys right now" Louis says back upset.

"It's cold Louis, come on let's go" Rhys says and then he and George turn around to walk out of the woods.

Louis sighs, fuck George and Rhys, he stands alone for a while just looking around, the clouds are grey and will probably open up soon but he doesn't care, he wants to find his best friend. Louis just doesn't understand how Jax has just disappeared.

He then suddenly hears something behind him, he turns around but sees nothing, George and Rhys are long gone out of view. He goes to turn around when a hand goes over his mouth and he's lifted into the air, Louis panics and struggles with all his might to get free, he tries to scream but it's muffled.

"Calm down darling, I didn't mean to scare you" Harry's voice then smirks into his ear.

He's let go and Louis turns around and pushes a smirking Harry, he hardly moves because Louis is so tiny and Harry so tall and muscly,

"Fuck you, you arsehole" Louis all but screams angrily.

Harry chuckles.

"Sorry kid I couldn't resist" Harry says.

"It's not funny, you fucking scared me" Louis says and Harry realises how upset Louis is.

"Come here kid, I'm sorry" Harry says as he sees the tears forming in Louis eyes.

"No I'm fine, it's fine" Louis says wiping his tears away trying to appear okay.

It's silent between the two for a while,

"What are you doing out here?" Harry asks.

"We were trying to find Jax" Louis says sadly.

"Scott will have your head if he knows you're out here alone" Harry comments.

"Well I was with George and Rhys, can't help that they are pussies and wanted to go home to mummy" Louis says angrily.

Harry can hear the hurt behind Louis words, the fact his friends won't stay out and help him and that they even have a Mum and dad to go home too, he knows Louis finds that hard to deal with, even though he loves his brother to death. Harry knows he was teased at school for not having parents.

"Look, I'm supposed to be with search party B, we are covering the upper area, I heard you boys fighting and came looking for you, how about you come help me for a little while?" Harry says.

Louis doesn't want to forgive Harry for what he's done, but he's cold and scared out here alone now and he just wants to help.

"Okay, but...there's a place that Jax and I used to go, no one else knows about it and I just want to check there" Louis says.

Gone Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora