Ep 3

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As I woke up from being tired from pedalling all morning. I remembered I was still in the Auditorium. The seats around me were empty but a few were occupied. The light were all off but the stage light was on. I was sleeping during the whole thing! I was sitting there just thinking where the heck do I go now? When a person walked on stage,she was a small brown haired girl that had blue eyes. She spoke to me and the others in the room "all of you that have decided to join the Black Water, thank you, for you have decided to fight to defend the school campus. But we have a small test to only have the best fighters. Thank you". I sat there in shock when she said " the test will began in three minutes". I stood up not wanting to join the team or that thing but the doors opened and the others pushed me forward while wanting to complete the test. I and the others were in a room that had weapons of all kinds. The others started to grab the weapons,one of the others put a bow in my hand and pushed me forward in to a now open door. I was on the sand? I looked up and the fighting arena was three parts, a sandy place,a green grass part,and the shallow water pool. The arena stands were filled to the last seat. It looked like the school was there. My words were later claimed to be right. "The Black Water trials will be judged by the school body". The invisible speaker went dead. The walls on the other side started to move and another person walked in. The school cheered for this πραγματική σύνδεση/ or know as spirt claws , a being that can be formed with his/hers animal that the spirts chose for the child. The black haired/white stripe, rough looking guy with one brown eye and one black eye was just walking to me. I thought about what his animal and what it could be. He only had a short sword. The crowd was yelling to fight but I couldn't. The ground opened up on the shallow waters. On the open ground there was a pillar of black sea stone. On the sea stone there was a glove,quiver,and red/black bandana. The crowd shouted "Grab the items!!". So I did, as i was running. A another pillar rose up from the green grass part but this one was white sea stone but the person didn't stop to grab the items on the pillar. He just kept walking toward me. Things seem calm in head but I started to realized that the crowd was cheering him on,not me. That's when I knew I stood no chance but I'm a crazy. So I charged.

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