"You got it. Have a nice night." He tells me as I head towards the exit.

"You too." I tell him, leaving out the back with the guys behind me. It's not everyday that you're told to have a good night when you live the life of uncertainty. You never know if you're going to live or die when it comes to the street life. The next day is never promised. After running a few more errands, we arrive at the warehouse in Brooklyn. I get out and travel towards the entrance. I travel towards the office and sit the envelopes of money on the desk. It was time to count this money and make sure it's the right amount for the week. My father vowed to protect all these businesses for a cost. You want protection then you have to sell something, drugs of course. Whatever any one wants, we got it. From weed to pills. I'm not happy about doing this, but the money has to come in some how. My father left this job for me for a reason. I don't know the reasons but I figured I'd do the the job until I fulfill it. Whenever that may be. I lost a lot of people when I took over this place. Not by death, but by communication. Either I cut people off or they cut me off. I don't have any relationship with my mother or my sister. My father was the one to keep us all in line and together. Now that he's gone, we just fell apart.

"Kris?" Cass knocks while opening on the door.

"You can come in." I tell him, watching the counter calculate the money.

"I got the tickets and the information you need for your trip tomorrow. Your flight is at eight in the morning. You have reservations at the resort in the penthouse suite and Floyd with a couple of other guards are going with you. Mikey, Vic and Pat fly out tonight to make sure everything goes as planned. Floyd is flying out with you." Cass informs, handing me the tickets.

"Sounds like a plan. Are you going?" I question.

"I don't think you need me. You got this." He says while turning on his heel.

"If I fuck up its your fault!" I yell as he closes the door.

"You got this!" Shaking my head I laugh lightly while bundling up the money. I'll admit that I'm a little nervous doing this on my own. I read over the material on what I need to do, so it shouldn't be a problem. Cass is always by my side but I guess this is him testing me. This will be the first job I'm doing on my own. I hope I do what I'm suppose to correctly. After working some more hours around the warehouse, I call Floyd and let him know that I'm ready to go. He's been driving me around for the last ten years and I don't trust another driver but him. When I took over my father's empire, he offered to stay my driver. He's like an older brother that I always wanted and we protect one another. Like family.

"I'm outside." Floyd tells me over the phone.

"Here I come." I mumble, hanging up the phone afterwards. Before leaving out, I place the money in the safe and zone out for a bit. The ringing of my phone causes me to come back to reality. I see its Floyd so I ignore his call. After securing the safe, I close the drawer and lock it. Leaving out of the office, I travel to the exit and get inside the car. Closing the door, I put on my seatbelt and stare ahead of me.

"What took you so long?" Floyd questions me.

"I was locking the safe." He shifts the gear to drive and pulls off, heading towards the gate.

"Cass told you that our flight was at eight in the morning?" I nod while resting my head against the head rest.

"Yea. You should be at my house by six." I inform.

"I'm use to getting that early. The early bird catches the worm." Laughing, I shake my head while turning my attention out the window.

"You were around my father way too long."

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