Chapter 02: Tinted Faces

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"Alatea, honestly, your going to hurt yourself trying to shove that much food down your throat." (Y/n) warned before instantly hearing a hacking noise. 

"What did I tell you! I tried to warn you, and don't go saying I didn-"

"(Y/n) hush! Look, there are some gorgeous men walking into the cafeteria." Alatea whispers while covering (Y/n)'s mouth, and nodding her head  in their direction from their cozy spot in the bustling room.

"Ooh! It's that new guy from our English class. Isn't he gorgeous (Y/n)? The other guys with him aren't too bad either. Are they new too? I haven't seen them around before, and trust me I would know if I had seen someone sculpted like that!" Alatea inquires excessively.

"Ge or hanf off my mouf!" Muffles a current hostage.

"I can't understand a single word your saying, but keep it down your ruining the view. Ahh! Did you just bite me!?" The hazel-eyed girl screeches, ripping her hand off the savage girl's face.

"Well I tried to tell you. You never listen to me...." (Y/n) snickers at her friend feeling no remorse. 

"Oh- oh my, I think I'm having flashbacks." She dramatizes, throwing one arm over her face and clutching the other one to her chest as she threw herself back in her seat. 

"Excuse me? (Y/n)?" Asks a hushed voice causing both girls to be brought out of their own world and for Alatea to straighten herself up at the sight of the ethereal males present. 

"Yes?" (Y/n) responds on instinct before turning and realizing who it was, "Oh, did you need something Damian?" (Y/n) continues, looking up to the boy, failing to notice the slightest of smiles on his face at the mention of his name. 

"I just wanted to tell you thanks for the pencil." He says in a low breathe, suddenly shoving his arm in front of her face trying to return the writing utensil, and smiling internally when her hand made contact with his.

"Yeah, don't worry about, if anyone else were in your situation I would've done the same thing. Thanks for giving this back though." (Y/n) reassures offering a small smile.

"Right." The pale-eyed boy finishes still looking upon the girl's face before a blonde haired individual pops through.

"Damian~, you're so cruel! Are you going to introduce us? We want to meet your new friend too!" Whines the boy as he tugs on Damian's sleeve.

"(Y/n) this is Lucius." 

"What a terrible introduction! I'll do it." Exasperates the male. "My name is Lucius Ayer, love, also related to that wordless individual." He bows coming back up to offer a wink to both girls. "Oh! That grumpy redhead back there behind us is Aeron. I don't recommend talking to him though, he's a bit of a jerk." 

Hmm...he said they're brothers but then why the different last names? (Y/n) ponders with a slight furrow of her brow. 

"You better shut the hell up! You just tend to piss me off in every way possible!" Shouts the ill-tempered boy, not really helping his image.

"Right. Well, um, nice you meet the both you. I'm (Y/n) and this is Alatea."

"Oh! It's so nice to finally have a friendly familiar face among these buzzings of people to come and greet!" Lucius claps making himself comfortable at the girls' table.

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