
22 1 0

September 30, Ishval

Are you true to yourself? Sometimes the truth is too hard to take...we just don't want to see it. I've lied to myself many times... for your own sake brother

But you knew all along, right? You know me very well... I always play a strong role and put up a sad smile but I know you're the only one wroth of my sincere tears... Thank you for letting me be weak in your shoulders

After General Armstrong received us in sent us away in a blink of an eye, me and Al sttoped by a old inn near the past Ishval territory

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After General Armstrong received us in sent us away in a blink of an eye, me and Al sttoped by a old inn near the past Ishval territory. The war was over but everything was still bleeding...those hearts and those minds there still shattered into pieces.

I was lying on my bed as for Alphonse, he was writing something on his notebook... I sighted and deep inside I wished Al to fall asleep... sleep and rest from this world

- Hey brother! Did you liked the lasanha they served you? Since it looked really tasty I will add it in my " Eat after I get my body back list"! 

- Sure it was! It was crunchy on the outside and smooth on the inside with all that cheese that you love and- 

- Ed? Brother? What's wrong?

Tears hit the floor without any noise and I couldn't say a single word. Al picked me up from the ground and carried me like I was a little child. I hold on to his cold armor wishing I could embrace myself in his arms... He was too painfully kind to me...

 He was too painfully kind to me

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- Come on Ed... it's ok to cry but I'm more than all right! The promised day's coming and soon I'll taste all this stuff! You're going to eat with me right?

- Yeah... and judging by the size of that list I'm gonna be fat as a whale! By the way you're aware that I ain't drinking milk even if is on that list all right? 

- Are you scared brother? About the promised day?

 Al asked me really slowly and softly like he was afraid it would make me hurt again. When I was about to answer him, Alphonse raised his head to ask me what I feared the most:

- Ed...Have you ever lost hope and heart?

I froze when I meet once again with the truth...the one I desperately tried to scare away with a smile, a sad one... I was being strong for Alphonse too... and what how? I was his hope but I've had lost hope so many times...

- Al... I'm so weak- I feel into dispare so many times...but you, Alphonse, you're my hope and strength... you're the reason I keep on living- 

- NO ED! YOU DON'T GET DO YOU? You don't have to keep on living just because of me! What about your life? What you want to do before this is over? YOU DON'T KNOW because you think you're not gonna make it! AM I WRONG!? 

- NO ED! YOU DON'T GET DO YOU? You don't have to keep on living just because of me! What about your life? What you want to do before this is over? YOU DON'T KNOW because you think you're not gonna make it! AM I WRONG!? 

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- YOU'RE WRONG AL! I definitely eating at that food with you and then... Well, what do you think about making a huge trip to east and west to discover more on alchemy? 

Al looked surprised and somewhere in my mind I cloud see him smile. Even so, he was right. A peaceful, normal life full of happiness was so far away from my sight that I cloud barely imagine it. Still, it made me feel warm inside

- Really brother? That's amazing but there's something missing on that...


- What? NO! I wasn't talking about that jeez Ed! I was talking about you finally telling Winry that you love her for god's sake!

- THE HELL! I don't know that ya talking about you moron! 

And, just like that, the night arrived and we were laughing like there was no tomorrow. My smile was genuine...my tears were of pure joy, because I had you by my side. I'll gladly build a bright future with you

Edward Elric, Please sleep 

Note:  Potassium metal is soft and white with a silvery lustre, has a low , and is a good conductor of heat and electricity. Potassium imparts a lavender colour to a flame, and its vapour is green. It is the seventh most abundant element in crust 

Thank you so much for reading this chapter!  Next one is the last one! I'm so glad for all the appreciation! Book 3 is coming soon! Keep a eye on it!

Don't forget to comment or hit the star button! See you guys soon! 


Book 2 " A soul exchange for a heart" [FMA One Shots]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя