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(^^What Ursula's wearing

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(^^What Ursula's wearing.)

Ursula stood at her window, staring out at her beloved goons. It had been a good day-ten more people fell victim to their ploys and were dying as she stood there.  Taking a drink of her coffee, she turned as her three favorite henchmen came  into her room. "Boys," she says, in that sweet, high-pitched voice of hers. "How many times must I tell you to not run in here like it's the end of the world? Be more civilized, please." the two who'd been running-Jensen and Misha-freeze, like two kids caught raiding the cookie jar. "Thank you," Ursula turns back to the window. "Look boys-see the havoc we're creating?"

Jared nods. "Ten today, tomorrow more."

"So astute," she says, flashing her smile-rare but beautiful-at him. "I have  a mission for you." from within her magic bag, she produced the most beautiful, juicy, red apple in the world. Walking over to Jared, she gives it to him. "Find the girl called Aricka Winchester-yes, my "goodie two-shoes" opposite. Use any means of temptation to make her not only take the apple, but take a bite of it in front of you. She'll walk away, oh yes she will-but as soon as she steps foot inside either that bunker or the car of theirs, she'll pass out in a dead faint. The girl won't die-but she won't even know she's sleeping-it will create a false reality." standing on tiptoes, she kisses Jared's cheek. "I know you won't fail me-because if you do, you'll be cleaning the sidewalks for a month!" she says, her voice suddenly dark and cold.

"How come he gets to go out and we're stuck here?" Jensen suddenly speaks up. Ursula whips around, glaring at him. Curling her fingers together, still staring at him, she began to choke him. 

"Because, Jensen darling, you don't have a full grasp on the outside world. You're still too soft. So is Misha. You need to stay here where I can protect you." when he'd turned blue, she released him. "I think you need to go outside and run some laps-you're obviously forgetting why we were made in the first place."

"We were made to destroy the Winchesters and this miserable earth once and for all!" this is why Jared was her favorite-so willing, so obedient.  She turns and gives him another smile.

"This is why you're my favorite." the praise made him blush a bright pink. "Now go-and bring me back a diamond necklace, by any means of getting it."

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