They had a nice dinner which Anne and Patricia prepared together and then afterward, Zayn opened all the gifts that were brought. One from everyone. There was one with Gemma's name on it too but based on the gift, Zayn was sure she only chose it while Anne bought it. Later, the cake was served and everyone but Zayn had a slice. Mostly because he didn't feel like eating any cake. Niall on the other hand must've gotten up three times for cake and Harry teased him all night for it.

The family atmosphere that was revolving between the seven of them was probably what made this birthday one of the best birthdays Zayn ever had. When he was ten, the kids in the neighborhood used to tell him that cake was the best part of a birthday party. "If you don't have cake then you can't have fun." They said. To some degree that could still be true. But he wasn't ten anymore. So even without cake, there were other things that still made it so enjoyable.

Like always, Harry and Zayn found a way to slip away from the crowd. And they ended up putting on their coats and hats and going out into the backyard to enjoy the night. Harry suggested they sit on the porch swing together and they did, sitting close with their hands tightly around the other's.

"Happy birthday, Zaynie. I can't believe it. Do you feel a year older yet?"

Zayn chuckled. "Not really. It doesn't work like that."

This was the best part of Zayn's eighteenth birthday. Being able to sit with Harry and just talk. Kissing was great but moments like this was when he felt they were at their best.

"When you go off to art school, you're not going to leave me, right?"

Zayn raised his brow. "What do you mean? Why would I leave you?"

"I just want to know. That's all. Many relationships don't last long when one of them goes off to school. There's so many things you can get into there. So many other people you could like."

But Zayn comfortingly rubbed Harry's shoulder and kissed his freezing forehead. "You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going to leave you."

From Harry's experience, the person who said those words went and did the opposite. But there was one person who was true to those words and that was Peter. Three years later, he was still here.

The door to the front porch opened and Niall came peeking out. "There you are, Zayn. I've been looking for you. Your mom is going to take me home in a minute. I came to tell you happy birthday again before I leave."

"Thanks, Niall."

"Oh, and the cake was really delicious. You should have yourself a piece. After all it is your cake."

"How many slices did you need in order to determine if it was good or not?"

"Three and a half." He said proudly. "But I'm pretty sure I'll pay for it later."

Zayn nodded in agreement and Harry laughed.

"Well I have to go, Zayn. See you at school. Bye, Harry. I'll see you some other time."

Harry waved goodbye and Niall left.

Zayn used his feet to get the swing swinging a little bit and Harry leaned on his shoulder. He couldn't help but think that maybe this was the way it was supposed to be. For some reason, it was like they were puzzle pieces that fit. Like two opposite personalities came together to make a whole. He wondered if Zayn felt that too.

He thought he got his answer when Anne came outside and said he had to go. Because the way Zayn had kissed him before they parted was just so sincere and sure. He never thought the day his Frisbee hit Zayn in the chest and broke his pencil lead would be the day that led to this. But here he was. Zayn really did mean a lot to him. Even more than he really knew.

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