The Warriors of Kyoshi

Start from the beginning

- "Hey, look! Over there!" I exclaimed. Aang then was beside me, and place a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help as a faint blush covered my cheeks. Then he let go and started taking out his...clothes?! leaving only his undergarments.

- "Elephant Koi, that's why we are here." He stated "I'm gonna ride it! Katara you got to watch me" He said excited. The pain in my stomach returned as I turned away and started walking further from them and into a tree.

- "Hey (Y/N) where are you going?" I heard Aang ask.

- "Nowhere just gonna climb a tree and see the view from up there!" I said.

- "Ok, have fun!" He said in return.

- "I will" I faked smiled at him when I turned around to face him.

- "fine" he said as he went into the water. I rolled my eyes and groaned as I walked in front of the tree. I looked around making sure nobody could see me and used my air-bending to get high (almost to the top) of the tree. But something was off, like someone was still watching. I brushed it off as I sat on a branch and comfortably positioned myself to look at the water. (a/n: KATNISS EVERDEEN STYLE!) I drew my head back at the tree bark. Then closed my eyes and focused on my surroundings. It was peaceful yet I couldn't stop help but keep feeling that little pain at my stomach. "Maybe I'm just hungry" I said out loud. I then opened my eyes and looked at my sister as he cheered Aang while he smiled and waved back. "God, who am I kidding? I just ate but what is this feeling?!  Why does it hurt? Why isn't going away?" I asked myself as I groaned and pass a hand through my hair as to slowly calm me down a bit. I took a deep breathe and started to hum what I used to sing to myself after mom died.

(A/N: This is the song you were humming)

- "Run, run, runaway meet me in our hiding place find me where we'll make our escape" I sung as I finished humming. I soon relaxed as I felt the cold breeze made it's way to my face. I turn to face my siblings and Aang but they were being attacked by...Kyoshi Warriors? I swiftly landed behind the tree. I close my eyes for concentration to see if I could sense someone around like Touph had taught me. Soon enough what seemed to be one of the Kyoshi warriors spotted me.

- "Hey, there's one over there!" One of the girls said as she pointed at my hiding place. I quickly hid my figure behind the tree. I look at my sides to see If there was something I could use to climb up the tree. Bad thing was, It was to late as one of the Kyoshi warriors went to kick me I barely dodged it and then she took out her fan and swing it at me. I ducked and kicked her ankles so she could fall over.

- "Is that how you greet an old pal?" I asked them as I turned to face them with wide arms. "It's me, (Y/N), remember? little 9 year-old water bender girl from the Southern water tribe that came here 3 years ago?" I asked moving my hands trying to make them remember when I came here. Soon their once glares turned to glad smiles and retreated their fighting stances.

- "(Y/N)?"  Said a familiar brunette.

- "Suki?" I said excited and use my air bending to ran to her as I tackled her to the ground in a hug.

- "Easy there teddy" She said while ruffling my hair. I giggled at the nickname she used to tell me when I came. I then let go and both of us stood up.

- "How have you guys been?" I asked.

- "Well as you can see we're just doing the patrol, you know the usual" Meng answered while Suki was dusting herself off.

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