"Well maybe that's why." She nodded looking curious.

"Why what is it?"

"Your butt." She fucking sounds perverted.


She looks at my eyes. "Has a tip of blood."


Oh my gosh don't tell me? THIS IS SO FUCKING EMBARRASSING.

"I said-"

"Shit!" I cursed as I checked it, I can't with this. This is one of the most embarrassing moment in my life! Why now? Oh damn. I hate monthly periods. "You must be kidding me."

I tried to hide it yet it gets harder and harder since I only have sling bag. What the hell is wrong with my life?

"H-how can I help you? You have menstruation-"

"Damn I know! Don't say it! Just think of a plan! Oh my gosh." I said while trying to hide it with my bag, I maybe look weird but the hell I care. Good thing no one seems paying attention to me.

"Don't worry, I'll cover it. Just walk." She uttered.

All I can do is to follow her, I shouldn't be embarrassed. She's just a robot, right. Besides this normally happens to women, so I don't have anything to worry.

I started to walk and I felt her behind me, she's so close. She's sticking to me so it won't get exposed huh? This robot is an intellectual.

But then I heard some gossips about us again, ugh when will this stop?

"Jennie is still sticking with our girl huh? What a bitch! They're so close together!"

What? Their girl? THEIR? Lisa is fucking mine!

I want to blurt it on their faces but I remembered that I have something to get hidden. It's getting well though, I can feel Lisa's hard stomach on my back. I laughed in my mind, go get crazy because of jealousy bitch.

We entered the car and I was smiling like I haven't been embarrassed.

"You look so happy Jennie, I thought you were sad because of what I seen earlier." Lisa stated looking at me.

I just shake my head. "Oh no, don't mind me.


I got bathed to feel refreshed, the scenario keeps replaying on my mind. But I'm calm now since it's just Lisa.

"Jennie?" I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in Lis."

She opened the door and she's handling a kit, she's serious that she'll treat me huh?

We didn't say anything and she started to clean my wound, she's so close to me, I just noticed that she's so pretty. I didn't even feel a sting when she treat me, I'm too drowned by her beauty.

"There, finished." She smiled at me. Woah that quick? I looked at my hand and yeah it's already finished, it's already covered with gauze.

I thank her. "How can you do this? I mean, you're a robot, you know how to treat wounds."

"I'm also a lieutenant, all soldiers should know the basics in first aid and that includes treating scratches and wounds."

I nodded with amazement, I almost forgot that this robot is also a lieutenant.

"By the way." She paused and got something from her back. "Your father brought me a phone!"

She chuckled being proud handling her phone, is she really a lieutenant? She looks cute though.

"Do you know how to use it?" I asked, it's possible that she can't.

"I guess yeah, after all this is my cousin!" I laughed at her, the phone is her cousin, 'cause she's a robot. "But Jennie can you teach me?"

"What? I thought you already know how to use it?"

"Yeah, I know how to text, make a call and capture things that's all. I'm not used to a simple phone, I'm so advanced when it comes to technology and gadgets. I want to learn how people uses their phones, and enter social media. I can't do that in camp." She explained.

"Alright let me see." She give me her phone. "We're going to app store first." I said trying to teach her."

"Okay." I gave her a confused look when she stand and readied herself. She offered her hand to me, signing me to get up.

"Where are you going?" I asked her curiously, she stands out of nowhere.

She smiled. "To the app store!"

I facepalmed myself, oh God.

I explained to her what's app store and we installed a lot of applications, we also made her social media accounts.

We even took a selfie, this robot is amazingly photogenic!

"I'm gonna delete this." I said when marking the photos of us, I don't want my face on her phone.

"No!" She screams and tried to get her phone, she maybe taller that me but I'm more reflexible than her, she can't still get her phone.

I tricked her and everything when she's going to jump to me, I lose my balance because of surprise.

And as what happens to cliché stories, I fell on the floor, with Lisa on top of me.

I suddenly feel a fast beating on my chest, what the fuck is wrong with me?

I stared at her eyes, as usual, they're glowing. Those are just making it hard for me to not love this fucking robot.

Because of the feelings I have right now, I choose to close my eyes as she moves closer to me.

"I got it!" I feel her hand got her phone from mine, damn it.

She laughed when she got up and helped me to stand too.

I was still stunned of what happened, I was so into her, what the hell was that? This isn't right.

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