Chapter 19: Crush

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I arrive at the park early. I chill on the bench. I'm eating an icecream I got from a vendor. I'm adding things to my cart online. I might need a mini fridge for my car. I finally renewed my car tags, I can finally drive it now. I see a squirrel on the bench near me. I try to give it a bit of my it icecream, it moves closer then suddenly lunges toward me. "AAAAAHHHH!" I trip as I'm running and start rolling on the ground to get it off. The squirrel runs away. I keep rolling for a bit. I stare at the clouds confused for a while. I finally get up, my icecream is gone. "Are you ok!" I hear. Im about to curse out whoevers asking. I turn around to see Tae. "What are doing here?" I say dusting myself off. "Our meet up remember" He reminds me. "Oh yeah" I reply taking leaves out of my hair. "What the heck is wrong with these squirrels" I say. "What happened?" Tae ask "I saw you running with your arms flarring everywhere, I tried chasing you but you were too fast" he says. "A squirrel tried to attack me" I say. "Did you do something to it?" He ask. "No! Its just jumped on me" I reply. "Oh wow" Tae starts helping me take the remaining grass out of my hair. My arms are tired so I let him do most of it. As he's doing so, I don't miss the opportunity to steal glances from him. His beauty is so ethereal. I never thought he would've had feeling's me. I'm not complaining though. He sees me staring and smiles. I dust off the rest of my hair. I wipe the dirt off my phone, and Tae walks over to a bench, he picks up a bouquet of orange roses. I walk over. "I brought you these" I grab the bouquet and smell the roses. "Do you wanna get some icecream" he ask. I nod and we head over to the vendors. The girl that gave me the icecream earlier snickers seeing me, she must have seen me rolling on the ground. She hands me the same flavor I previously ordered but she doesn't charge me again. This makes me feel happy and I eat it as me and Tae walk over to a nearby bench. "Can I have a taste of yours" Tae asks me. He has coconut and I have strawberry. Syke boy, you thought, what you think this is, we not friends nor family. I think in my head. Tae's is starring expectantly. I force a smile and put the icecream near his mouth. He leans in and I pull it away so he won't get too much. He follows it with his mouth open I keep pulling it away till I finally pull it all the way back to me and say "you know what never mind!" Tae looks a bit shocked but he doesn't say anything. We keep eating our icecream till I say "hey you been in contact with Jungkook I've tried contacting him several times" I say. "Oh it must be because he was involved in a car accident yesterday, someone tried running him over, luckily only his leg was injured" he says. "Whaaaat, did you file a police report, do you know who did it" I ask. "No our company decided not to, they didn't get the license plate, and its too much of a hassle, they told Jungkook to be more careful, luckily its just a leg injury if it was more serious they probably would have to take legal action, like if he died" he says. "Did his leg break" I ask. "No its just swollen but he has to stay off it so he might fall behind in the choreography, since he can't dance" he replies. "wow, you see that's why I always tell people to stay off the street, when I'm driving I always make sure to keep my eyes on the road, I put my phone away, and I let pedestrians have there right of way unfortunately not everyones like that" I brag. "Yeah" Tae agrees. We get up to walk the park trail. "Are you and Jungkook close" Tae asks. "Kinda but not really" I say. "How so" he asks. "He and I feel differently about each other, I don't really feel the same way he does" I say. "Oh" Tae replies. We keep walking and I'm finishing my icecream. We stop at a pond and watch a turtle. Tae crouches near the pond. Me and Lisa always get the urge to kick someone when we see them bend over or crouch. But I stop myself. "Want me to take a picture" I ask him. I take my phone out and start taking pictures. He poses and does some aegyo. Whenever people do aegyo I feel like uppercutting them, but Taehyung looks really cute. I'm satisfied with the photos and Tae come to take a look at them. "Now together" he says. I'm about to object but realize this would be good material for pissing Jungkook off later. We take some photo's and I pretend to kiss Tae on the cheek. As I'm doing so Tae suddenly turns his head and kisses my cheek. It catches me off guard but I'm not mad at it. I don't feel irritated like I usually do with Jungkook. I stare into his eyes for a bit, then we proceed walking. We start to talk and Tae grabs my hand into his. We walk to a large concrete fountain and take photos there. I take photos of Tae on the grass. We sit together and start talking about music. I complement his voice. He says he finds my voice relaxing, I prepare to show off, but when I open my mouth a fly dashes into it. I start to cough and Tae pats my back to help me get it out I finally spit it out and we decide to leave the park. "We should go get food" I say. "Yeah" Tae agrees. We decide on a restaurant a few blocks away. I stay alert watching out for squirrels and flies. We arrive at the restaurant and I gallop towards the door. We enter the restaurant, get seated and order our food. "I haven't eaten in like four hours, I'm starving" I say stuffing my face. Tae smiles and offers me some of his food. I take it. "Are you guys planing a comeback next month" he asks. "Yeah everythings done were having one in three weeks" I say. "Are you excited for your tour" I ask him. "Yeah but its not until seven months we still have have two comebacks before then" he tells me. "Y'all are on vacation right?" I ask him. "Yeah we have a two week vacation, I'm trying to get as much done though. I'm also writing a song" he says. "Oh really, about what?" I ask "about love" he replies shyly. That song better be about me, I think to myself. I'm eating when I feel someone staring at me I look up to RM who's watching me, he's also looking at Tae. He's with Jackson but Jackson doesn't seem to notice me. Tae notices and follows my gaze. He turns back to me. "We should leave" he says finishing his plate. "Why what happen" I ask. Tae starts shoving the rest of the food in his mouth. I look back at RM, he and Jackson seem to have resumed their conversation. I finish my food quickly, we get the bill, and rush out. I watch Tae as he looks back through the restaurant windows "whats up" I ask. "Rapmon and Jungkook have been getting close, it not good for RM to see us. He always sides with Jungkook in everything, you know especially since Jungkook wants to be closer to you, he'll scold me for talking to you" he explain's, I nod. I'm glad this doesn't have anything to do with me running Jungkook over, at least I hope not. It's time to go home. Tae decides to walk me to my house. We stop to get some street food. It starts to rain. We still take the long way home. We stop at the cat adoption center and check out some cats. We finally arrive at my house. I walk up to the porch. We both smile at each other "It was nice seeing you again" Tae says. "Nice seeing you too" I reply shyly. We stare at each other for awhile before finally kissing. "See you soon" I say, Tae waves and I enter my house. I walk over too the kitchen and lay my stuff down. I run up to my room take my shoes off and jump on my bed. After what seemed like forever I finally feel happy about seeing someone. Its too early now but I hope our relationship can flourish. I lazily drift off into a daydream.

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