"Thank you for that." Leia said.

"It was no problem. I figured you could use a little time away from him right now. He probably wouldn't let you do much, let alone let you do anything."

"You're right." Leia laughed. Leia handed Cora some clothes and Cora put them away.

"So, how have you two been doing?" Leia asked.

"We're doing fine. Can't wait to get the Academy up and running. How are you doing, Leia? You two find a planet yet?"


"That's a nice planet. I've been there a few times."

"It's where Han and I had our honeymoon. Since Alderaan isn't around, I liked the idea of our son growing up on Corellia...Han's home planet."

"That's a lovely idea."

"Han has already found us a house. It's on the beach, just like the house we stayed in on our honeymoon."

"Sounds like the perfect place for you to meditate."

"It is. I love the beach. The water, the sand, the warmth, the breeze." Leia smiled, she felt as if she was there now. She handed Cora the last of the items in the box and moved on to the next box.

      Out in the living room, Han, Luke, and Chewie were unpacking and moving the furniture around. Han was hoping that Leia wasn't lifting anything, now that she was out of his sight.

"Will you stop worrying about my sister?" Luke laughed, noticing the worried expression on Han's face.

"Sorry. I just don't want her lifting."

"Han, Cora is in there with her. She won't let Leia lift anything. Besides, there's nothing to lift in there. I went in there just before you got here. Cora did all the lifting." Luke laughed, patting Han on the back. Han sighed a breath of relief, earning a laugh from Chewie and Luke. Han laughed a little.

"Hey. Is it so horrible to worry about her?"

"No, not at all. That just shows what a great father you'll be."

"Thanks, kid." Han smiled and nodded. They stood around the couch and picked it up, moving it over to where Luke wanted it. Leia and Cora came out into the living room where the men were.

"Having fun out here?" Leia asked, walking over and kissing Han.

"Just conversing with your brother." Han said, wrapping his arms around her, leaning in and kissing her forehead.

"Anything interesting?" she asked.

"Nah. Just talking about you...and the baby." He smiled.


"Yeah, he was worried about you in there. Thought you were gonna lift stuff." Luke said, laughing.

"I didn't lift anything. Right Cora?" She said, turning to her.

"She lifted absolutely nothing." Cora nodded.

"I told him that it shows what a great father he'll be." Luke said.

"He's already a great father." Leia smiled. Cora smiled as she checked the time.

"Oh! We have to get ready to go to the Dameron's." She said.

"We'll meet you out front in about an hour." Han told Luke.

      Han, Leia, and Chewie walked back to the Falcon to shower and get ready. Han stepped out of the fresher and walked into their cabin. She was brushing her hair, braiding it into two braids, and finishing her makeup. He watched her as he buttoned up his shirt and slipped his jacket on. She looked into the mirror at him and smiled.

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