to beau | I | 1

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dear beau,

we've seem to establish this thing. (i know, i'm incredibly specific.)

in our shared classes, we decide to glance at each other and make faces that can only be described as the kind of expression Jim, from The Office, makes at the camera. we just smirk at each other, and then turn our heads like it was nothing.

but, how my mind likes to wander and think it could be something more. i've thought about you and i before. all my friends agree that you're weird and annoying, i suppose. i mean, i don't really think that. it's not like they hate you. and, i agree, you can be pretty annoying and weird sometimes.

that's everyone though, especially as teenagers. we're weird animals: crossed between baby child and adult. we've got hormones that control us, and we can't explain why they make us feel or do things a certain way.

anyway, back to you.

yes, i admit, i have thought of us together. i suppose not as a long-lasting couple, but just a few good moments. like, how would i feel if i leaned my head on your shoulder or if we just kept smiling and smirking at each other.

i like talking to you. you honestly are really funny. i wish you'd open up more, but i guess that's just me searching for depth.

i wonder what you think about me. about us staring at each other sometimes. honestly and most realistically, probably nothing. hope can make you feel good, but it hurts to realize or find out the hard way, that it was no good. hope leads to greatness or disappointment. hope is risky. people don't like risks.

i'm getting off topic again. anyway, we're off school right now, but i hope when we get back, we continue to share some weird expressions with one another.



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