Maybe I could practice for Tahain.

I step in his direction, not paying attention to where he may be heading off to. He carries a bag of supplies from Isaiah. Perfect.

"Hey, you!" A drunken voice calls for me from the road. I turn to them, finding a scyra who appears to be a guy attempting to be a girl. His hair falls past his back. He has skin like mine, pale and freckled. His eyes are warm-toned pearls, making his hair look like a raven's feathers. He reminds me of Sonya. "You look like a," he hics, "nice guy. Can you help me out?" The scyra bursts into giggles, but yelps as he trips over the sidewalk. I watch him as he catches himself.

Great. A drunkie.

"Um, sure?" I answer, not knowing how to really reply. The scyra stands up straight, I choke on my spit. He seemingly has grown as he stood up, becoming even taller than the urian from earlier.

"My name's Josh. Anyways, you see that fucking giant urian up there? Yeah, I want you to scare the shit out of him, like scare him out if his wits, man." The drunk scyra explains. My first thought is why? My second being holy shit I know this guy. I almost killed him that night.

"Why? What do you mean?" I question him, not rushing to yell him about Tahain. Especially after the urian's reaction and realizing how drumk this guy is. Josh chuckles, then freezes up when he looks back at the urian ahead of us. I turn to his direction, seeing the urian walking to us. I suck in my breath, then release it all at once. The urian grunts when he gets up to Josh and I, he pushes the freckled scyra away.

"Dude, stop bothering random people on the street! Especially when you're- Actually, you need to just stop drinking altogether." The urian scolds Josh. Josh rolls his eyes, walking away and then around the urian. I silently watch, then find the urian staring at me. "I'm sorry he was bothering you. He has...issues."

"It's fine. Who are you guys?" I roughly assure, then run into curiosity. These two aren't what I thought them out to be. At least, what they seemed to be like that one night. The urian looks back at Josh, who is walking into a tavern of some sort.

"I'm Xavier. That's my buddy, Josh. Um." The urian replies, figiting and shifting in place. He takes a deep breath, then loosens up. "You probably hate my guts, but I want to just talk. Wanna come to the bar with me? I work there." The urian explains. I shrug and he nods toward the tavern Josh went into. We both make our way into the brick building and walk in. The first thing we meet is the sight of Josh holding a normal urian by the collar and yelling into his face.

"Touch me again and I'll FUCKING KILL YOU!" Josh screams, pushing the urian away to shrink to a completely new size. He walks to the counter, sitting down to sip on a beer bottle. The bar is silent all for the quiet whimper of guilt from Josh as he turns his back to everyone. He hides his face away from everyone, the bar begins to whisper like spirits in a haunted house. I look to Xavier, who is already running to Josh. I follow.

"Sa- Josh, buddy, what happened?" Xavier sincerely asks, not daring to touch Josh at all. I notice Xavier almost calling his friend something else. Josh lets out a drunken wail, throwing himself into Xavier's arms. Now, Xavier comfortably touches Josh as if he needs conformation to even think about touching the scyra.

"I'm an awful person, Xavier! I lost my temper again and I keep scaring people away." Josh cries, his body creating a strange radiation. The energy appears to be dark blue. Xavier rubs his fingertips on Josh's shoulder, ushering him to be quiet. The blue energy simmers down, Josh barely calms down. The palms of the black haired scyra are now the only radiating parts of his body. The little guy shrinks to a size smaller than I have ever seen him. He appears to be under five feet tall now, he's ridiculously tiny and his hair makes me think of a fairytale. He sneaks an eye at me after rubbing his wet eyes. Xavier looks back at me as well.

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