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{January 10th, first day in the city}

All around me...




And Ferrous...

"Jeremiah, lad, c'mon!" Isaiah calls for me from the front of the group. The tour is just now coming to an end and I really could care less. I am just amazed. Under the cold snow, I can sense plant life thriving off of the energy given by the people who live here. Not to mention, there isn't a single ordinary human in sight. I won't have to deal with my siblings finding me.

"Sorry!" I trip over a block of ice, catching myself before falling. I grip on to the straps of my bag as I proceed to run closer to the crowd. I catch up, accidentally bumping into a tag along urian and catching his attention. He stares at me for a good moment, clear with some sort of shock.

I glare at him every thirty seconds, still finding his oddly blue and green scyra eyes staring at me. Everytime I look, he appears more scared than before. Almost as if he knows me or something. I have to admit, the urian does seem kind of familiar with the oval on his forehead and diamond on his cheek.

The group comes to the last stop, I decide to approach the urian.

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

The giant tenses up, yanking me away from the group and to the opposite side of the statue we are at. The statue stands tall enough for us to lose attention from the group. He holds me by the shoulders, ensuring that I'm still. He stares heavily at my face, then gives a gentle push away as he gasps.

"Do the names Tahain or Arthur mean anything to you?" He asks, giving me intense anxiety for a moment. I realize why he recognizes me. He was there that night. He helped in the killing of Carlos. I scowl, moving back.

"Get the hell away from me." I express disgust. The urian flinches at my movement, looking to his left and almost like he might fall apart. It's just some acting I bet. A lot of scyras pretend to be things for their own sake. Then, I watch as him and his blue highlighted hair run back around the statue. He disappears into the thick crowd. I hesitate to join in again, but then remember the money being offered by Isaiah and his crew. I need something to live off of.

"Everyone line up!" Kaui calls out, immediately getting as she wishes as if a spell was casted. I get eighth in line. Luck seems to on my side lately. The person in front of me is a ferrous with blinding violet hair. She stands over six and a half feet tall, making me look tiny even though I'm quite heighthy myself. Ahead, at the front of the line, the second person leaves with a decent sized blue bag. I sigh, grabbing a seed pack from my pocket and pouring some of them in my hand. I practice with my powers as I wait.

One of the seeds sprout, lighting up my heart. The first step to my powers returning to normal.

"Aye! Jeremiah, get over here!" Isaiah yells for me. I pop my head up, finding that I'm next in line. I slide the seeds into my pocket, immediately getting a bag in my hand. The quill pats me on the back, slightly pushing me away from the line. I tumble to the side. "Good luck mate! See you around." Isaiah sends me off. I stand in the middle of the open space, scanning the scene. I spot the urian from earlier.

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