I hate myself

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Ugh, summer school again. I put on my clothes and checked myself in the mirror I looked like dog throw up so ugly and hideous. I just snatched one of my makeup brushes and tried to cover up my face as much as I can but it didn't work; even makeup couldn't make up for it. Hah, you get it! I always liked to entertain myself even if it meant making fun of my face but what if I was actually ugly? What if I didn't look good enough for everyone? I smacked myself in the face it was usual for me to question myself. I ate a couple of spoonfulls of frosted flakes, dumped the rest of the milk in the sink and went straight to school. Well, of course I had to wait for the bus. The bus came and I quickly went in and went straight to the back where no one would see me. Did I mention I was anti social and got nervous anytime someone talked to me. I can tell on the looks on their faces what they were thinking that I was this abnormal freak that had no friends. Well, I think that was the only moment in my life when I didn't care what others thought about me. This time the bus ride was different I was wearing a black hoodie halfy covering my face. I looked total emo because I also had a layer of black lipstick on. I thought it will be a peaceful ride well besides all the students loudly talking. It was until some random person started throwing food at me and then everyone laughed. Britney one of the cheerleaders spelled out ugly, U-G-L-Y! I felt so embarrassed, why was I the target? After loads of food was thrown at me I finally got to school! I looked like a baked fruit pie with so many colors on my clothes! Luckily, I had art class for first period so since the moisture was still there I decided to use my clothes as my paint brush! I know, how weird does that sound! Well, after art class I looked like a stained patato, at least that was an improvement! As I walked down the hallways I felt the gaze from everyone. If someone was to ask me what was my favorite thing about my school, I would say the fact that there is no popular girl that dominates the whole school's attention; Most importantly the annoying insults that I was not about to deal with.

At first I had this thought that I should be the popular girl but I never thought it would actually get into me! I started imagining myself with a pretty face, new cool outfits everyday with the latest fashion trends and a totally outstanding locker! How I wish that can be me! I believed that it could be me so I started taking out my journal and brainstormed plans! I knew my parents weren't the richest but they also weren't the poorest! So I made this agreement with my mom that I wanted to do chores to earn an allowance each week! By a month I earned 500 dollars that was enough to upgrade my entire wardrobe, so I decided that it was the right time to enforce my plans and start shopping! So, I planned out a time to go to the mall. I couldn't get rid of the thought during my classes because I constantly zoned out. It was annoying my English teacher because after several times of calling my name he finally told me to sit closer to the front. I mean it wasn't a problem until I figured out that I had to sit next to Britney, ugh. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal because after all she acted like a total goodie two shoes when she was in class! I don't know what the whole attitude was about but I know it was definitely catching all the teachers attention well in a really good way! That didn't stop Britney from secretly torturing me, I mean she used the tip of her pencil and started poking my but. I swear that girl didn't have a little bit of dignity but what I don't understand is who would possible vote for her for class President! At first, I thought running for class President was a bit lame I know that I shouldn't be using that word but I was dead serious! Then I thought maybe running for class President will change people's view on me and will help me with my dream of being the popular girl of the school.

So, right there and then I decided that I would create a campaign to win for class President. I would assure you it wasn't easy. I mean Britney was trying so hard to ruin my reputation. Since the class President gets an allowance to spend for different things like class trips, I used that to my advantage to get students to vote for me! I took a survey and let other students vote between some of the best trips but Britney's campaign was so egocentric she was seriosuly campaigning about having a dress code so that students won't ruin her clothing vibe. Then I realized how important it was for me to run for class President so people like Britney won't win because imagine how the school would be like, terror. I mean like World War 2. Well, World War 1 was over after this girl named Mackenzie got expelled for serious cyber bullying. I decided to campaign against bullying that really increased people's interest in me because they never imagined me as this protestor. Since Britney saw I was clearly winning she knew she had to take action and fast. If you don't know Britney already she's a really good cheerleader but what brings her status home is that she is a popular instagramer that has almost 100k followers! So, she promised people that she'll help them build their Instagram followers if they voted for her. I was like what pathetic bribery is that, however that didn't stop me. I decided that I would create a Facebook page that represented our school. I hosted photography sessions and took pictures of some of the students and posted it on the Facebook page. I included certain hashtags and before you know it the Facebook page started gaining followers from 100 to a 1000! Certain posts went viral and other schools that were nearby found out about the page. Okay, none of the school leaders knew about the Facebook page including the principal. There were only a few students that knew about it. So, I was starting to get worried because I had none of they're consent. I was right people from the other schools started coming to our school to compliment the principal about the Facebook page. Of course our principal was confused but he eventually found out I was the one who made the Facebook page to represent our school. 

I thought he would be really mad at me but it turned out he wasn't but he was just mad I didn't tell him before hand.  Once that was over with, Britney found out because of course everyone had to talk about it. She was totally pissed about it. So, it turned out the Facebook page outsmarted her Instagram feed but of course, Britney had to come up with another plan. She decided to make a instagram page of me but I was confused where she got all my photos from I figured she probably used Photoshop or was just stalking me. She started copying off my Facebook page and used all the photos that I posted of other students and used it for the Instagram page she made of me. The only difference was that she used those photos to bully other students, acting like it was me. I'm telling you she followed every single person in the school including all the school leaders. Soon, I got in deep trouble for it because I didn't have evidence to deny it. After, that day not only was I disqualified to run for class President everyone hated me including the people that were supporting me for class President. I felt defeated because I didn't know what to do next. Some weird idea popped up in my head but it went away quickly. I went to school the next day so angry like the windows surrounding me were falling apart. I didn't even watch where I was going. I started bumping into so much people. One of them shoved me so hard I fell on the floor because everyone hated me. No one even cared, they all walked past me like I was not there. All I had with me was my bag by my side and my phone in my pocket. The first thing I did even before I got up was grab my phone. I didn't know what I was doing; I was uncautious. I just went straight to video recording and put it in a position where it can see almost everything in front of me but no one can see it recording unless they were really cautious. Britney walked passed me for a second but turned back and kicked me really hard on the but. Then she muttered when was the last time you checked the mirror that's why everyone hates you. Next time don't try to go past your limits. Who you thought you was trying to steal my spot for class President. I guess that Facebook page really paid off. I'm glad everyone thinks your the bully now even though you protested against bullying. I mean are they that stupid. I'm the best bully in the school.

Britney looked to both sides of the hallway to ensure it was empty. I can't wait to spend all that money I'll get when I'm class President maybe I'll use it for a vacation, who knows. I replied why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you? Nothing at all Britney said. Then she gave me one last kick and was about to walk away until she spotted that my phone had been recording the whole time she then grabbed my phone. I wasn't about to let her ruin another oppurtunity so I tackled her for the phone. Once she got full possession of my phone I bit her and then she screamed. Then the school leaders starting running toward us and demanded for what happened. Britney pointed at me and explained how I bit her. I responded and said how she set me up on Instagram and handed them my phone. For the first time I was really happy in a long time. The school leader was confused and asked what it was that I wanted him to see. Then I realized that Britney deleted the footage. I was too angry to even talk. 

I was speechless.

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