Chapter 4

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Right there she didn't feel sane " I want to help "
"are you sure about this? " blossom asked earning a nod from the (h/c) girl "yeah I believe (name) can do it " bubbles said as she cheered her friend on. " OK so here's the plan " blossom said as they all huddled closer to the red head.
............time skip..............
Bubbles and blossom flew in to help buttercup as the was thrown down to the hard concrete ground. (name) ran towards the hairy nightmare of slime staying hidden with a bamboo sword that she had taken from sensai Jack, bubbles flew around the monster making it turn round to try and catch her as blue streaks were left behind her. The monster began to wobble as it had stopped chasing the blue power puff, butter cup took the opportunity to punch it which caused it to fly backwards into another tree. Blossom opened her mouth and cold wind and snow flakes could be seen as the monster started to freeze into a faint ice block , (name) saw her que and ran out of her hiding place . She summer salted into the air and hit the handle of the wooden sword into the frozen block as she realised a battle cry . The impact caused the ice to shatter as blocks of ice flew every where making the three sisters floating in the sky to dock from being hit by one of them. The tween girl looked around and noticed the ice block beginning to evaporate arderline pumping through her veins " that......." she started turning to the girls who had landed on the ground standing next to her " was......... " the three looked at her anxiously waiting for her answer "AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! "
The girl yelled making the three sisters release a sigh of relief " I can't believe how great that felt I'm all fired up for another battle " (sorry natsu I just had to use your lines😁 ) . (name) declared as she pumped her fists in the air making bubbles giggle and causing blossom to let out a laugh. Even buttercup smiled a little at the girls childish behavior. " But being serious now were did that monster come from anyways cuz I don't believe I jinxed myself when I asked for something interesting to happen today? " (name) asked as she looked at the girls with a serious face " it has to be doctor x. He's the only one who creates weird butterfly monsters like that " buttercup said as she looked over at her sisters who nodded their heads in agreement " who's doctor x? "(name asked as she looked at blossom for an explanation " well we better sit down if you want to hear us " she said as they started to walk over to a bench not far from them " yeah it's a really long story " bubbles added as they walked away

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