chapter 2

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(name) stood nervously in front of the class door that had the sign '4-b' as she waited for the teacher she had been assigned to her mind lazy wondered to the events that happened earlier that morning.
- Flashback -
The annoying sound of the alarm clock woke up the snoozing (h/c) tween who's tired eyes searched every around the room until it landed on the small drawer close to the bed. Without hesitation she slapped it away to some random corner in her room and buried her head under the pillow " ( Name) wake up or you'll be late for school "

She heard her mother's voice shout from the kitchen. " late for school.......? " the girl mumbled in her sleep not grasping the importance of the words until after a few seconds later as she sat up on her bed in lighting speed " I'm going to be late for school " she whined in panic as she threw her self away from the warm snuggly blankets and her feet hit the cold tilled floor causing a shiver to run up her spine. Sprinting quickly to the bathroom she stared in horror at her disheveled bed head that was all over the place. She brushed her teeth and jumped into the shower accidently turning on the cold water causing her to shriek in shock and turn the handle as warm water started pouring down on her body. Carefully rushing out of the bathroom a big fluffy towel wrapped around her small frame as she dried her hair with a smaller one then blowing it dry with a hair dryer and she quickly wore her uniform .a white button up blouse with a blue sleeveless jacket a big red bow tie blue thigh length skirt white pop socks ' how can a school skirt be this short ? !!!!!' she had thought as she put on her black Mary Jane shoes, leaving her hair down she stuffed some extra clothes in her bag before slinging it over her shoulders and heading down stairs

( This is a picture of the fan girls
but I just used it so you can all see how the uniform looks like )

(name) skittled to a halt when she reached the dining table and stuffed her face with the sugary breakfast ignoring the snort of amusement that came from her older brother who sat across from her. Taking an empty zip lock bag she nearly arranged the rest of her pancakes and dumped a small bowl of blue berries in as well and kept in her bag as she walked over to the sink and quickly washed her plate and hurried over to the van to take her seat leaving the van door open for (b/n) as her entered shortly after his sister. Their father nodded his head in approval of their been on time .
He raved up the van and drove out of their parking lot towards their schools.
(D/N) dropped (name) in front of the middle school and drove off to drop (b/n) in high school. Swallowing the growing lump in her throat (name) entered the huge building and surprisingly the hallway was empty. She let out a sigh of relief as she walked over to a bulletin board and scanned over the papers until she saw what she was looking for . The map of the frickin huge school. Memorizing the turns and classes, she made her way to receptionist office to receive her schedule and head off to her new class room
After explaining her self to the woman who sat at the desk she was led through the hallways , turns after turns led her to the classroom door she now stood in front of. To afraid to enter.

-Flashback end -
'come on (last name) you can do this' she encouraged herself as she raised her hand and knocked on the door. A lady with long pink hair dressed in a orange button up blouse , a long blue skirt that passed her knees a black flats. Her blue eyes looked into nervous (e/c) . A warm , friendly smile spread across her face as she looked at the nervous tween ." You must be (name) (last name) right?!" the woman asked receiving a shaky nod as her answer ."Well I'm miss Meryl , why don't you come on in dearie " the woman said as she nudged her into the class gently " Class we have a new student today. Please introduce yourself " miss Meryl said as everyone stared at the (h/c) tween " H..hi my name is (name) (last name) n..nice to meet you all " she stuttered quietly " Welcome to megaville " the class chorused " OK (name) you may sit next to bubbles utoinum . Bubbles please raise your hand " (name) looked at the sea of students to see a blonde haired girl raising her hand her baby blue eyes sparkled with excitement . (Name) smiled shyly and walked over to the empty desk next to her . Taking her seat the blonde smiled warmly at her "hi there I hope you like our school ? " bubbles asked as she looked at the girl. " y..yeah thanks for asking " (name) thanked the blonde who just nodded her head, as class continued (name) took notes while chatting along with her new friend
( for the sake of this story for now the girls are in different classes)
........ Time skip.......
After what seemed like forever the bell for lunch break rang at last .(name) was dragged out of class by the bubbly blonde " oh name you have just got to meet my sisters and Dexter " bubbles told. She had been telling her about the three middle schoolers since she ask if she had any siblings . Leading her through the rowdy crowd they finally made it to the cafeteria. Bubbles stopped in her track scanning over the students until she spotted the familiar red and black crowns. Dragging (name) she made her way to the table ." Hi guys " her cherry voice made the three people look at her and the shy tween who stood next to her . " who's the (h/c) head chick " a ravenette asked her her green eyes stared at name who shrunk slightly under her gaze, " buttercup stop staring at her like that your scaring her " a girl with long red hair scolded the ravenette who scoffed and folded her arms " what ever leader girl " buttercup mumbled " hi there my name is blossom and please don't mind buttercup and this is dexter " blossom said as she pointed at the red head boy who wore thick framed glasses with tinted blue lens , a lab coat, purple gloves, blue pants and black boots the other two girls wore the school uniform except the colour was different instead of blue blossom's jacket and skirt were pink and she had a big red bow on top of her head, while Buttercup's were green . ( name) and bubbles took their seats and brought out their lunches. The (h/c) tween eyes stared at the people around her and a smile made it's way to her face as she joined in there random conversation as they asked questions and she answered and vice versa. Never would she have imagined she would make friends this quickly, but she was not complaining unaware of the dangers and adventures she would face in the future right now she was just going to enjoy the moment
Hi everyone it's depressed sama this is the long chapter I've written but I'm proud now the action can really start

Bye for now 😊 also if the fan girls pictures doesn't show what the power puff girls are wearing is the same thing

'come on

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