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Chapter 12

Pariss's POV

*the next day at school*

The new girl is coming today! I can't wait I hope she is awesome and crazy and likes unicorns like me!

I go into class early and so does Ethan so we can get good seats and save a spot for the new girl. I see Chris and steffi walk in holding hands. Ethan and I laugh because steffi drops her books because she was to busy concentrating on Chris. She goes red all over and Ethan and I try to calm down.

*bell goes*

Teacher: Class this is Tahnee, as you can see she's new.

Me: Hi, I'm Pariss and welcome to 7F, it's a pleasure to have you in our class, there is a spot next to me I saved for you because I knew you were coming today.

Tahnee: Thank you, it's very nice of you!

Teacher: Thank you Pariss for making her feel more comfortable

Chris's POV

Why are all the new girls to hot. I have to wait 2-7 days before dumping Steffi because Tahnee is a lot more hotter. She's just 😍MG W😍W. I can't keep my eyes off her. She waves at me and I go red and Pariss and Ethan laugh at me. I give them the look.

Tahnee's POV

OMG I just waved at this really hot guy and Heaney red! My first is amazing so far and I have only been here for 5 mins!

Steffi's POV

I see Chris go red and I don't know why he went red. I'm scared he's going to go for the new girl! I don't want him to leave me. I have to hang out with him more.

Ethan's POV

The new girl is alright but I can't like her. I just like Pariss to much!


Pariss's POV

I show Tahnee her locker and all the wings. I go over to Chris with Tahnee.

Me: Chris this is Tahnee and Tahnee this is Chris

Chris: Hey, welcome to our school and enjoy our class.

Tahnee: Hey, thank you Chris you are so sweet.

Tahnee, Ethan and I get our books and go to class.

Lunch is normal. Basketball courts for Tahnee to find hot guys. Of course she's staring at Chris.

*after school*

Coincidently Tahnee catches the same bus to! She's awesome! She sits with me and Ethan. She feels comfortable around us and Chris. Wonder if she likes Chris!?


So many updates but love writing them! Thanks so much and ILY

Pariss ❤️

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