Chappie 3: Aren't I enough for you?

Start from the beginning

The said person looked up with no emotion but smiled when he saw his bestfriend.

"Oh...Hi" He said quietly, looking down again.

His words registered in her head, something happened is what she thought. She can't help but be angst by his carelessness so she grasped his shoulder and shook him with force to face her. "Dont 'oh-hi' me, something happened to you, you're going to tell me and we have to get outta here!" She demanded, anger played in her voice. Her bestfreind looked at her surprised, he wasn't used to Maria getting angry but he has encountered it hundredths of times through their years of friendship, but then he just looked away, sadness in his face.

This only made Maria much more angrier, she can't handle people when they can't tell her what's their problem. But from 2 inches from them his phone layed open and wet, she took the liberty to take it and maybe know the reason why his acting strangely. She tapped on the last button to open the last message but when she could actually read the content, Toni's hand abruptly took the phone from her...

"We broke up... She sent me a text... It's over..." He said quietly but stil audible to the girl infront of him. She looked down at him, the umbrella still at hand.

'No... I'm not going to deal with this anymore!' 

It's a fact that she, herself helped him get that girl he wanted. But she didn't help him to see him sad again. Maria won't deal with him getting depressed over a break up from the wrong person, she is the person who has truly loved him anyway... "Anton-" She said but was cut off.

"Don't worry about it... Let's just go back to the dorms" He said quietly and emotionless, this is his state whenever his depressed. Maria won't stand there and comfort him for something stupid as a breakup. Antonio stood up but Maria quickly grasped his forearm tightly,

"Stop it already.." She said silently.

"Let's go back Maria" He ignored.


Antonio looked back at her, confusion and annoyance mixed together plastered his face. Maria just tightened her hold on his hand.

"I'm sick and tired of your shit, Toni" She broke "I understand what you're feeling right now, but  do you realize how I feel?" 

"I loved-" He tried.

"Bull shit! You loved her but she never loved you, face reality Toni! What you felt was fake!... It was all fake.." She said, trying to grab hold of her feelings along with the tears that came with it. Toni looked at her, wide eyed and angry for what she said. He raised his arm to slap her but her face stopped him.

'She's crying?' He thought, it wasn't clear since her umbrella has dropped and her face was now drenched with the rain that poured on her face, saddened eyes stared at his then turned into anger.

"Antonio Fernandez Carriedo! I love you, you idiot!" She yelled and ran away from, letting go of his hand, she cried hopeless tears that blended in the rain, and those words of her confession rang in her head endlessly. She didn't care anymore, a broken heart is already enough to kill anyone and that would be the last words and feeling that she'll ever feel.

"Wait!!!" Toni screamed and ran towards her, cursing himself for being so stupid! He ran fast towards the girl, that used to be his bestfriend. It was dark but a distant light straked through the rain and illuminated the pavement. 

A honk from a car maybe a truck blasted, Toni was alarmed and ran faster towards Maria but by the time he got there he faced the girl, giving a gentle smile. 

Time stopped... BEEEEPPPP!!!!!! 

He witnessed the girl he blindedly befriended and now loved, being crashed by the truck and slammed down the cemented road before he was able to tell her. It happened so fast yet it seemed so slow... Toni dazed, ran towards her limp body sprawled on the floor as the other witnesses surrounded them and started calling on their smart phones.


Her lifeless body on his arms...


Blood stained both their uniforms...


Lights and sirens came into the scene...

"I love you... too..." 

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