Broken Beauty

19 1 0

Your fractals fall on my face,
Ripping skin.
The mirror like face you have,
I don't know how this is meant to begin.

I would love to leave you out,
Put you in a basement never to return.
I'll be able to step out the house,
Set it ablaze and watch you burn.

Gases of the memory,
Fumes of time,
But every time I do set you down there,
You somehow make your way up and climb.

Destroy the mirror,
Get rid of the image.
As you see,
I can't do that and surpass my limits.

The remedies of you played on loop,
In my head.
I at one time wanted to use the broken pieces
And see what happens when I continuously bled.

The turmoil I've walked through,
And the rips I've experienced
Can never process to me,
Thus I'm still delirious.

I know clearly what I see, what I hear
In your picture.
A reflection of what makes you you,
A playing tape that explains your structure.

But as much as I've felt,
I guess I still haven't found it.
Haven't found what I'm looking for
Even though there's a surplus of hints.

I don't know why I'm waiting
For you to come around.
I guess this is just something external
That holds me chained and bound.

All of your shades in the light.
I know you so well.
Your entire spectrum.
Way too well.

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