Chapter 2- Ceremony of Betas

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Jayy's POV

My alarm cracks as my fist comes down extra hard on the off button. Excitement and fear flood my senses as I fall back onto my soft, soft pillow. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed I huff and stand up. Talia mutters nonsense and bounces around my head. I can't believe I'm actually going to be Beta. Crazy. Also I'll meet my mate but I'm so excited to be Beta. I rush into my closet and grab a blue shirt and my black ripped jeans. I rush through my morning routine and put my hair up in a crown braid.

Running down the stairs I tripp over myself and roll down the last three. Sitting on my butt I sigh. My mom pokes her head out and giggles at my appearance. "Are you ok baby doll" she says snickering. I huff and stand, speeding over to the waffles layed out with scrumptious fruit. "I can't believe my baby is already 18, happy birthday love" she says kissing my forehead gently. "Love you too, mère" I say using my mother's french. My dad's pummeled steps fill my ears as he moves down the stairs. Kissing my head he greets me softly before asking "where's your sister and brother?" . "Feel the love père" I say " They might be asleep but Ally's picking me up we are going to the Hive to mess around. We will be back before the ceremony" I kiss his cheek as he nods. A horn blares outside so I scramble to the door and run to the car. "Hey Ally" I grin. Her green eyes peek over her aunt glasses in a amused, playful glare. "Let's go bitch" and the car screeches down the street.

I didn't expect to get trashed but my vision stirred as Ally tries to help me up to my bedroom. Giggles escape my mouth as I stop trying to move along the hall. "Get up you ass" Ally sneers. "N-no" I burp. Growing angry Ally drags me to my room, not worried about my pleas to stop. When we get to my room a water bottle is shoved in my hands. I drink most of it as the rest slides down my front. My pain filled groan fills the room as I clutch my stomach. "Your ceremony is in less than 20 minutes, pull yourself together" Ally sneers at my figure. "Okay" I wail and start to put my dress. My shoes fit nicely and I sit in the chair waiting for Ally to do my makeup. My vision is still really disoriented.

My dad grabs my arm with so much force I whimper. "I can smell the fucking alcohol on your breath. Your so grounded" he growls making Talia lay down in my mind. I look around seeing every Alpha and Beta in the country along with all my pack. I step up onto stage as my dad follows. "We are here to pass a title down from generation to generation. Do you Micheal agree to pass the title down to Jayy?" The Alpha days with confidence. My dad's piercing glare shines into my eyes. "Yes" he answers. "Do you Jayy accept the title?" She turns to me as if in warning then looks at my dad as my words softy reply "Yes". Livy raises both our hands and then as the chimes ring as we bite each other on the wrist. I feel the power rain through my body as eyes stay glued to my face. My eyes glow shining purple as Talia comes through for a second. "Mate" the word growls through the audience as my head snaps to the Alpha of Dark Woods Pack. She looks up to me with lust and litteraly pulls me down off the stage and into her arms as she smashes her lips to mine. My moan is squished by her mouth as her tounge plunges into mine. We pull apart for a second before returning to a heavy makeout. Her beta pulls her from me and draggs her out of the door as Ally struggles to pull me into the hallway, leaving the whole room chatting up a storm.

"What" I hiss. "Shut the fuck up, your so in deep shit. You know your dad's a homophobe!" She returns. I feel my eyes tear as Talia ripps through my mind >What the fuck, go to my mate you dumb human. Run!!< I sputter as tears tread down my face and my hands cover my mouth to block the noise. Ally crouches down beside me and hugs me." I'm so sorry" she repeats as my vision becomes too blurry and I see darkness

I huff sitting up. The darkness surrounds me as I look around, still in my ball dress. I still feel the power coursing in my veins so I sigh a breath of relief. I look around for Ally but only find her blank bedroom. I sit up and walk to the end of the hall where I hear a soothing voice and Ally's hushed mummers. " Hello mate" the girl says turning to me in her nice fitted black dress. "Hi" I manage to squeak out. I blush as she looks me up and down and pulls me into her imbrace. "You should sleep Jayy" Ally says over my mates shoulder making me wince. "Jayy" she says, "I love your name, Jayy" as if my face could get any redder it darkens in shade. "What's your name" I say as my voice betrays me and goes up a little. "Annamarie but you can can me Anna, love" I blush as she walks me back to Ally's room and strokes my hair untill I fall asleep dreading what will become of me and my life tommorow.

My editor is crazy, she hasn't edited this yet tho lol

Fab ^_^

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