Chapter 1- Myth?!

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Jayy's POV

Jumping across the rocks of the moldy river. I plant my feet firmly on the ground, this side of the bank warmer than the other. My breathing speeds up as I hear her yell "Ready Or Not, Here I come!". That sentence is enough to send my heart racing, I didn't even think she would actually comply to my wishes. I asked her to count to 100. Yeah insane. "Jayy you suck at hiding" she laughs from the other side. Holding in a giggle I dart away. "Girl, I will not chase you so turn your ass back around!" My crazy friend Ally shouts.

Walking back to the pack house we converse quietly about our upcoming ceremony. Unfortunately I have to go to this one. My beta strength isn't something to push away and as my 18th birthday rapidly approaches I grow nervous. "Hey, you zoned out. You good?" Ally says concern covering her features. "Yeah just thinking about the ceremony and meeting my mate" I state.
>You didn't tell me about the mate part, why would you worry our mate will be perfect< My wolf Talia whimpers. In all honesty I never really wanted a mate but my wolf hates me for rejecting our mate so soon. Ally walks to her room giving up on talking to me. Somberly pacing to my room, I fall face first into the bed. I groan in disparity. I forgot to do my homework for Maths. Talia snickers in my head. Rolling myself in the covers I try to forget about it.

The sound of familiar chattering wakes me from my sleep as I literally roll out of bed onto the floor. Mumbling to myself I walk to my closet and grab a Mickey Mouse Vintage shirt and ripped jeans. Sliding on my vans I walk to the kitchen and greet the pack members before grabbing a plate of food. Ally plops down next to me. "Hiya BFF, tell me your not worried about your title giving, only Blood Moon Pack and Raven Feather Pack will be there, two of the highest ranking packs in the world!" She rambles on. "Gee thanks for making me feel better A" I sigh. " No problem" She smiles "Meet you at school". Looking down at my plate I groan, only two more days. Not enough time between now and then. My dad always said not to worry about it but I'm starting to think I should. Being Beta means more than work. I barley see my father now, so what will happen when I become Beta. Talia Growls lowly, she never is a talker. I push away my bowl and grab my keys rushing out the door. My shiny Honda Accord lights up and I sigh, my precious baby.

Pulling into the school lot I release a breath and pull my body out of my car. Not today, not ever. Everyone says Senior year is great... Yeah well it's not. Talk fly's bye the students as I push through the double doors and walk to my locker. "Oh my gosling! Jayy you're so dead" Ally mumbles as I stroll past her, rolling my eyes I smirk. "You'd never kill me A", "True but that doesn't mean I won't hit you" she sneers as a hand comes down on my cheek. "A geez calm down" a deep voice persuades as I open my lock. "Really Thomas, you seriously are the rain on my parade" A shouts as she stomps away. "What did you do this time Jayy". "I actually don't recall" I snicker. Thomas flicks me in the arm knowing I lied, "Ready for English" Thomas Cheers! "Nope".

Soon the bell rings for end of day study hall, I thank the moon goddess for getting me out of Maths as I run to my locker. Livy grabs my book from the open door and examins it "Seems like a good read Beta" " I like it wanna borrow it" I say closing the locker. "Yeah... But I can't give it back. Alpha Duties keep me busy so I'll pass but thanks" she replies and walks away.

Twisting the ignition my car purrs to life as my wolf silently whispers nonsense in my head keep it down will ya >sorry< Talia says sadly. I know she doesn't want to talk about it, she never does. Pulling onto the road I sing along to the lyrics of Sum 41's song Fat Lip.

The song pulls to an end as I drive down the gravelly dust road. Ripping my eyes from the training session I focus on my thoughts... I'll skip tommorow get a good rest for my ceremony. >Sounds like a plan< Talia giggles. Laughing to myself I get to the door of my room and kitchen k off my vans. Another day, Another life. My birthday is so close I can taste it. Closing my eyes I start to dream about the weird glass like fog of a porcelain face. A girl? She's really hot. I dunno, I personally think she's to extra. I know who she is though. Dark Wood packs Luna. Covering for her dead brother. Sad really. But why is she in my dreams


Yawning I rub my red eyes from the bright sunny rays. The dark blue curtians set out against my white walls. I stretched out and stood up from my bed walking to the closet, I grabbed a PS4 shirt and black skinny jeans. Running into the kitchen I stole a waffle from my little brothers plate. Shopping day I guess. My mom wants me to wear a dress but really? I don't wanna. Talia bellows out a laugh. >You can't just say no to the beta female Jayy< I roll my eyes, if only they'd go further. Grabbing my keys I drive to the mall. The mall is packed with humans skipping school today. Walking to forever 21 and hot topic I grab a few things and pay. Leaving the mall I look at my phone to see it at 4:30. To be honest I don't want to go home. I'm not ready to face my fate and become a Beta. I'm thinking about giving it up to my brother when he comes to age but my thoughts are taken aback when Talia growls. I'm just gonna give it up. But that's in like forever. Driving home I arrive at 6:30. Dinner! Yasssss. Rushing into the dinning room I sit at my seat as my mom looks up confused. "Where were you?"
"Out where Jayy"
"Outside the house"
"Jayy this is immature, you're going to be Beta in less than 24 hours you need to start taking everything seriously" she warns. My dad looks up from his plate and glares at me. "Jayy I can delay this if you don't want it". "Oh no, I want it. I'm sorry, I'll try harder I guess" I say as I scarf down my food, ignoring my parents and siblings annoyed stares.

Rising from my seat I walk up the stairs to my room. The off-white walls greet me as I put on my PJs. Lying down on my bed I think about my ceremony more, my mate. What an I gonna do if I meet him, I have to reject them >stop< Talia warns. I know she doesn't want me to but I'll have to. I don't need a mate. My word is final as Talia blocks me out. Good night I guess, stupid wolf. Sometimes I wish we were on the same wavelength. She never understands why I don't want a companion. I don't want to break them down to my level. Talia never understands and she never will but for now I'll leave it alone.


Alright not impressed but I might go back and edit so stay patient!!!

See you next Sunday!!!!!

-Fab ^_^

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