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"Will you marry me?" 


Harry was taking aback "What the hell, Ginny! This isn't helping!" he yelled 

"What?" she asked innocently "You asked me to help you with this, and I'm helping you face the possibility that she might say no. And personally, I wouldn't blame her." 


"Harry, when  you propose, you don't just say 'will you marry me', you start with a speech." she explained "It's sort of a given, and without one you look like an arse."

Harry rolled his eyes "I'm not an arse." he said "I'm just no good at speeches."

"This is hopeless." Ginny sighed and then stood up. "Ron! Harry needs you!" she yelled and on her way out, Ron entered 

"What do you need mate?" he asked, somewhat out of breath from running to his room, where Harry was waiting for him

"I need help proposing to Hermione." Harry admitted 

"Oooh, role play!" Ron said "I'll be Hermione, you propose." 

Before Harry could even say anything, Ron had transfigured the pillow on his bed into a wig and sat down in front of him. 

"Ron, you look ridiculous." Harry said 

"What do you mean?" he asked "It's a part of the role play." 

"But it looks stupid." 

"Why? Do I not look good as a brunette?" 

"No, you don't look good as a girl." 

Suddenly, Hermione appeared in the doorway. "What's going on?" she asked 

"Homework." Ron said 

"Nothing." Harry said at the same time 

Hermione, who was obviously not believing a word, just smiled at the two. "Do you need my help?" she asked 

"Yes." Ron said immediately, and Harry glared at him 

"Okay, with what?" she said taking a seat next to Harry and resting her head on his shoulder 

"Uhh...I think Harry had a question, didn't you Harry?" he asked 

"Yeah..." Harry trailed off, his anxiety spiking out of control. He made a mental note to hex Ron later for this, but for now he tried to clear his head. "I was, uh, just wondering...will you marry me?" 

For a moment, Hermione was taken a back and lifted her head off his shoulder so she could see him properly. "Harry, I--"

"I'm sure you've already come up with a list of logical reasons why you can't, whether it be our age or what every one will have to say. And you'd be right, because we are still very young and the Prophet had a field day when Skeeter caught us hugging, so I can only imagine what they'll do when they find out about the proposal. But love can't be reasoned with. You just have to let your heart take over and hope for the best." 

There was a slight pause until Ron spoke up. 

"I'd say yes, Hermione. That was like the famous muggle love story right there. You know Romeo and Julia or something?" 

Hermione looked at him funny "Romeo and Juliette?" 

"Yeah!" he said

"No, Ron." she frowned "Romeo and Juliette killed themselves at the end of the play. The story is more of a tragedy than a romance." 

"Oh, not like them I guess." he said "Anyways back to the proposal." 

"Thanks, mate." Harry said and was about to add on to the speech but Hermione cut him off 

"Yes." she said 


"Yes, I will marry you." she said, tear now forming in her eyes. 

"Group hug!" Ron shouted and the three of them stood there, for what seemed like forever, in one of there famous 'Golden trio hugs'. 


A/N: It's been a while since I updated partly because of school and partly because I was planning to write the proposal in this chapter and I wanted it to be cute? I guess?? Kind of a fail but I tried and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting. TYSM for reading!!

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