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The next morning Harry woke up with one of the worst headaches he's had in a while. It was so bad he didn't even realize Hermione was in the bed next to him. 

As quietly as he could, Harry pulled the covers off and climbed out of bed, careful not to have woken Hermione. Though, his feet were tangled up in the sheets, so once he'd started walking, he tripped and fell, causing Hermione to wake up with a start. 

"Harry!" she called out "What happened? Are you okay?" 

Slowly, he rose to his feet. "Yeah, I just have a headache." he said and headed for the bathroom 

As the day went on, Harry slowly started to remember more of what had happened the prior night. He started to remember getting drunk, and telling Hermione more than he should have. The last thing he remembered was them kissing on the couch in the living room. 

* * *

A few days had passed since Harry woke up next to Hermione, and he still felt really weird about it. Obviously, she did too as she returned to work early when she was supposed to be having a break. 

This left Harry in the house all day. Not that he minded it, it was just that it got rather lonely. He used to spend a lot of the time in the burrow, and that was nothing like an empty and quiet house. 

Fortunately, there was a knock on the door. Harry was careful to see who it was before answering, just to make sure it wasn't Ginny or some vengeful death eater. 

"Ron?" he said opening the door "What on earth are you doing here?" For some reason, Harry had been mad at him showing up here. He didn't know much about what happened between Hermione and him, but he did know that whatever did, it wasn't good. 

"What am I doing here? Mate, what are you doing here?" He bellowed "You've only just broken things off with my sister and already you've decided to move on with my ex!" 

"Hermione is more than just your ex, Ron! And you bloody well know that!" Harry snapped back

"Whatever, I bet you just used the whole 'love potion' thing just as a reason to break things off with her, right? That way you could finally be with Hermione with out looking bad!" he yelled 

Harry glared at his 'best friend'. "Do you even hear yourself, Ron? You sound ridiculous!!" he yelled 

"But you're okay with that right? Because after all, I'm just your sidekick! As long as you don't look bad for the papers, you don't care what happens to me. You don't care about anyone but yourself."

Without warning, Harry struck him hard in the nose, and blood slowly started to run down to his mouth. Ron was getting ready to punch back when Hermione called for them. 

"Ronald Weasley you have no right to come over to my house and accuse Harry of all those awful things when you and I both know that they're completely asinine!" She yelled and marched up next to Harry from the spot she had just apparated to just moments ago. 

"You were only saying things that you know would hurt him!" Hermione continued, she then took a breath calming herself down. "I think you should just leave. I mean, I don't know why you thought it would be okay to stop by unannounced, but let me be clear; after what happened, I don't want you visiting me anymore. Here or at my office." 

Harry looked at her, oblivious to what she was talking about, which Ron just so happened to pick up on. 

"You haven't told him?" he said, nodding towards Harry. "He doesn't know why we broke up, does he?" 

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