"Good. 'Cause wolf or not, I'm keeping you." I said.

"Pfft, says who?" she teased.

I growled in her ear, gripping her tighter. "Says me. And Xavier. And Jackie. Three against two, love. I'll stick with my odds."


"Your dad included,"

She laughed again. "You have very curious logic."

"It works doesn't it?"

Amber shook her head. "Only for you, Alex. Only you."

"Just like you?"

She turned her head to look at me. "Huh?"

"You only work for me. And only me. Nobody else." I smirked.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't get cocky, Alex. You still have yet to earn my forgiveness."

I couldn't help but let out the whimper that Xavier made as I buried my head into her back and sighed. "Yeah, I know."

I felt Amber rubbing my thigh and I looked up at her. "But it's still nice knowing that you'll be there for me."

I gave her a soft growl. "Amber. I will always be there for you. Until the very end. Don't ever think otherwise. Do you understand me?"

She nodded, still rubbing my thigh.

"Alright, Amber," The nurse said, standing up to look at her. "You're all set. Keep the wrapping on for a few hours and you should be all better."

"Thanks, Marie." She replied, hopping up and standing on one foot. I quickly got up and put her arm over my shoulders, keeping her steady.

I nodded respectfully at the nurse and walked us out of the doctor's station and over to the holding chambers where the pack kept most rogues.


The man that we had in silver laced cuffs looked up at me as Amber and I walked into the room. I felt Xavier growl a warning when he looked at Amber, so I nonchalantly pushed her behind me a little. It was a pretty shifty looking area that we stood in, and I could tell that they hadn't chosen to change the structure or layout what so ever in the past thousand years or so. Literally, we were in a dungeon.

"Why were you on our territory?" Adam asked the man in chains.

"I was ordered by my Alpha."

"Who is your Alpha?"

The man shook his head. "I am sorry. I do not know. We were never to speak his name, so most of us chose not to learn it."

Adam growled. "I don't think that's such a wise Idea, lying to me. Hell, what kind of Alpha would be doing that?"

"Not a real one, that is for sure."

"What is your name?" I asked, looking at him. Everyone seemed to turn to me, but I kept my gaze focused on the 'rogue' in front of me. Something about him didn't seem right... no, that's not right either. He seemed familiar.

'He is. We haven't seen him in years.' Xavier told me.

'What in the hell are you talking about?' I asked him.

"Tobias. Though, I must say, Alex. I am quite insulted that you do not remember me." He said, smirking a little and mocking offense.

"You know me?"

Tobias nodded. "Well, I knew your sister more."

Everyone but Tobias himself seemed to gasp at that.

"I haven't seen my sister in years. Not after...." I trailed off, finally recognizing the man.

"Well, I'll be damned. What is the goddess's name are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "I'm still trying to find that out. My head isn't quite clear at the moment."

Adam cleared his throat. "You two know each other?"

I nodded. "He's my brother-in-law. My parents made it sound like my older sister ran off to get married the moment she turned 16. I was surprised they acted like it was all nothing, but now I get it."

Tobias smiled at me. "You've grown since then, Alex."

"It's been nine, almost ten years, Tobias," I said flatly.

"Fair enough." He said, shrugging. "But your sister obviously didn't forget you or your family."

"What are you talking about?"

"As soon as we caught word that trouble was down this way, we made our way here ASAP. Sadly, we got separated, but that's a different story."

Adam growled. "A story that I suggest you tell."

Tobias looked at me. "You want me to talk, you will find your sister. Until I get my mate back, I'm not going to be taking orders. My wolf is pissed off enough as it is."

I nodded. "Well, then your just going to have to wait. I haven't seen a single sign of her for almost ten years."

"Well, I'm sure when she swings back around that she'll be happy to see you. Although, I've been gone for a few weeks so..." Tobias said giving me a dead look.

I simply raised an eyebrow, looking at Amber. Tobias looked over at her leg and winced. "Um, yeah, sorry 'bout the leg. Would explain myself, but I'm still trying to figure it out. You'll be the first to know what was wrong when I can remember."

I growled, holding Amber tighter.

"We found traces of some type of drug in his system," Thomas said, his arms folded. "He claims he was drugged into submission."

"Likely story," I said, picking up Amber in my arms and walking away. "We'll be in the pack-house."

I needed a break and Amber had no choice but to come along with me.


Thanks for reading!


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