Chapter Twenty-Two: Moon Goddess

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I keep getting this feeling that I need to go east. And it's getting stronger with each passing day. There is something I've missed. Something that's passed by my notice.

I feel a prickling pain. Then it explodes along my side, where my left flank would be if I was in my wolf form. I can see the red of my eyes reflecting off of the glass in front of me. My eyes cross for a moment before movement catches my eyes. The party of hunters from the Valentine Pack have returned with their hull. From the looks of it they will be able to feed themselves at least for the night, not needing to dip into our reserves.

I'm about to be pleased when pain erupts down my spine. And in a flash I'm shifted and running towards the forest. Headed east.

Following my instincts I can tell the exact direction I need to head. As pain gnaws at my throat I let out a mournful and piercing howl. I can hear responses from three different directions. Half the sound from behind me in my own packlands, a fourth to my left and a fourth to the right and forward. What ever is happening in the east is about to have a few packs showing up, maybe not my plan but the unfortunate truth of the situation.

Without their alpha's around the other packs will respond to me regardless because of my status as a true alpha. This night will not go unnoticed. Without a second of pausing once my howl ceases I take off, headed once again towards the pull in the east.

Hours later I can hear them. The fighting between wolves and unknown creature, and a mournful whine from three alphas. Alpha Valentine as well as the alpha's of the other two I called upon if my hunch is correct.

Creating a hill it comes into view. The land is ravaged. Burning, blackened, destroyed and upturned. Human bodies litter the landscape as the wolves try to save them from the women that are attacking. The twenty-one women dressed and of pure white.

The white women.

And she is my prey. The one with long wavy hair that's holding most of the alpha's off by herself. I let out a thundering growl and their eyes snap to me. The wolves back off from the distracted women, but only slightly, keeping their eyes on their targets.

I spot a, interestingly enough, white sheet to my side so I reach for it and then shifts I wrap the sheet around me and begin to walk towards the paused battle below me. As I reach the bottom of the hill I can feel the packs I accidentally called upon as they begin to breach the hill, but the stop once I snap my fingers.

"Kαlαssε," I say, calling out her name.

"Πώς γνωρίζεις το όνομά μου?" She asks.

"I'm resourceful," I respond.

"Αδύνατο," she snaps.

"Why are you back Kαlαssε?" I ask.

"Οι λύκοι είναι το αγαπημένο μου σνακ," she smiles wickedly.

I just growl in response and she lunges at me. A blur of black in front of my intercepts her attack. The searing pain on the crown of my head is the first clue I get to the it is Zev. Fucking idiot, it means nothing if he dies here. And with that the battle resumes. The four packs pour over the hill swarming down to aid their alphas. But like water around a rock they split, going around Zev, Kαlαssε, and I.

For a moment it felt as though time was slowing down, but then it passed and Kαlαssε lunges for me. Zev isn't given enough time to react so I have to dive out of the way, shifting at the same time. I let out a thundering growl once again and lunge for her.

"Δεν μπορείς να με σκοτώσεις. Θα είμαι πάντα πίσω," Kαlαssε threatens.

Taking her momentary openness to my advantage I lunge and manage to latch my teeth into her jugular. She shakes me off,
But I come away with more that just skin and muscle. She slowly lifts her hand to her neck and feels the damage. She shouldn't be alive. Most of her esophagus and trachea that were in her neck are gone, and her vocal cords are destroyed as well. I blink and then spit out the flesh, no need to find out if I can eat a trachea right now, and I'm not interested in finding out if it is crunchy or not.

I stop in my tracks as I feel it. A wolf passing on. I've no idea who it is, what pack they're of or where their body is now laying, but I can feel their death. And I know. That death and ever other one that occurs is on my shoulders. The Moon Goddess punishing me for interfering with the natural course of things. Only alpha's can stand up to the white women. That's why the 21 white women always threaten 21 packs. I've disturbed that.

As I'm rendered motionless Zev lunges forward attacking Kαlαssε. She responds by raking her long fingernails down the side of his neck, erupting pain in my own. While I'm left with a howl of pain Zev soldiers on, as if completely unfazed by the pain. I watch in both horror and fascination as they trade blows. A few more lives pass through my senses and I let out a mourning whine.

Suddenly spooked by something I run off and come face to face with another of the women. She's different. She's not as powerful as Kαlαssε, but her bright green eyes stand out. She is one of the other two that were drawn behind Kαlαssε in the picture in the book that had first drawn my wolf to the secret library. She was left unnamed, as was the other, and in the book I've been translating they've hardly been mentioned.

Instinctually I lunge for her chest and bite down breaking multiple ribs in one go. She looks startled and is about to back off when I lunge again. Toppling her over I rip into her. Once I lay eyes on her beating heart I bite down into it and she flails before the life drains from her. Once she's fully dead her body rapidly decays and becomes one with the earth below.

In quick succession I feel a significant number of wolves pass on. At the same time I notice that the other twenty white women are rapidly approaching me. Something explodes to the east and the wolves begin running. I can see that the other alpha's are focused on the explosion, unmoving. With a couple more explosions the white women stop and then disappear in their direction. Kαlαssε is the only one that looks back before leaving us.

The packs are still running from the battle as the alpha's wait and watch. I'm horrified as the 31 dead wolves' bodies come into view. There are 31 dead wolves whose deaths are on me. One of them is a white wolf like myself and I carefully trot over to them. Their eyes are closed and if it wasn't for the lack of breathing and blood that has pooled beneath them, they could have been sleeping.

White wolves aren't common this far south, they usually only occurred from a white wolf being the mate of a southern wolf. But up south, where I was born, they're highly common because of the insane amounts of snow that we needed to blend into.

I step back from them and more explosions occur. I whip around looking for the source and then all I know is the ringing in my ears.

/// AN ///
Kαlαssε (Kaw-less-e)

  • How do you know my name?
  • Impossible
  • Wolves are my favorite snack
  • You can't kill me. I will always be back
If any of the Greek is incorrect please let me know. I don't know Greek so I'm pretty sure the translator got somethings wrong.

Sorry it's short, and about that cliff hanger.

Thoughts? I'm not really happy with the chapter so feed back would be wonderful.

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