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Once upon a time, I believed in the same things they did; I believed I stood for a cause greater than humanity itself, I killed for that cause. For decades I held my rifle up in the name of light against dark, and I hoped oh, how I hoped that humanity would eventually pull through and thrive once more but we did not. We struggled and continue to do so... But at what cost? Only bitterness resides within me now. Bitterness at the devastating losses humanity has suffered in the name of the Traveler, in the name of protecting our last sacred hope. I have no hope now, not anymore.

I cannot understand the blind loyalty that everyone is full of, the Traveler was running from an adversary it couldn't escape from and its best option? Arrive on a planet full of creatures that were, at one time, happy. Not all of us may have been rich, not all of us may have been unwanting of the luxuries in life, but we were happy. The Traveler brought chaos, but I am the only one that sees it, and for the first time since I was brought to the Tower, I am unsure of my next steps. Do I continue this unending fight? Do I leave? I do not know.

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