Chapter Twenty Six: Fix Themselves...

Start from the beginning

"Then I don't need to say your grandmother could be next."

"What would make you say that Monsieur?"

"We both know how many toes she has stepped on. Someone is bound to pull a Francis Harrington."

"Ah! The execution!" He smiled fleetingly. "By any chance is this 'someone' you Monsieur?"

"I can't say. I just know I have a message for your grandmother. Tell Armor, I'm coming for her. She has to pay for what she did."

I feel inspired after what Francis did.

"Why not knock her front door and just shoot her? Why deliver a warning when the enemy can prepare? Thieves don't announce they'll rob you, they just break in when you least expect it."

"I'm guessing you are aware of the kind of women the duchess is.. I can't get close enough."

"Just this morning she burned my sister's hand. She put my sisters hand in the fire. Do you know why?"


"Because she stole a necklace. That piece of trinket is replaceable. My sister's hand is not. Do you think I'm blind to her antiques especially after the cruelty she has showed my sister and I? Hardly. I think she should pay for what she has done."

"Then why not do something about it? Why watch and let her get away with monstrous acts?"

The young man reasoned for a moment holding his jaw. He looks distant. A moment into his silence he placed his hand flat on the table his palm down. "Should this 'someone' choose to do something, I surely don't know how he'll get into the Château." When he lifted his palm, I quickly moved to cover the security key card. He smiled wryly. "Whatever way her end will come, make sure you don't miss."

He rose gracefully and straightened his jacket before walking away. His security detail converged around him. Folding my palms around the key card, I swiftly left the table. I have work to do. I have been planning this day since Armor declared her murderous intentions towards all Sinclairs but not once has my mind been set on the idea of actually getting rid of her. All that time as her captive and Francis executing Scarlett has served as motivation for me to work towards this moment.


The mansion is abandoned. At the absence of guards at the main gate I worried. I did not want to enter. I convinced myself to carry on. If Francis executed Scarlett in front of love television, I shouldn't shrink away from walking into the lion's den. It's possible to imagine Armor Deveraux living in some dark scary mansion but that's not the case. The Armor I know is not the same one everyone else does. She appears harmless and benevolent. She's everything but not good.

I checked everywhere for her in the abandoned house. There's no one in sight.  I'm now on the second floor. There is an open room at the end if the hallway. I have my knife ready. My plan is to do this stealthily and fast. I reached for her door knob reminding myself why I am doing this.

I got in and disappointment hit me like a freight train when I saw her lying lifeless on the bed. Has the old woman finally died of natural causes? I relaxed my form only to stiffen when I saw a woman looking at her. Her hand is wrapped in a kitchen towel. She looks tragic.

"I meant to do it. She's a horrible person. She is a vile creature." When she pushed her dark hair back I saw her face. She is indeed Pierre's sister. "She burned me. She actually has ruined my life... I... She deserved it."

"What did you do?"

"She was taking a nap. I could not resist the urge. I suffocated her with a pillow. I lost my daughter because of her. I lost little Maddie... I ... I didn't want the money I just wanted that bitch to go away... I... I had no choice she ruined my life! She's a control freak!"

I noted the pillow on her lap. She seems confused.

"What happened to the servants and the guards?"

"I dismissed them. I fired everyone and then I came up here. I wanted to apologize... to apologize because she threatened to cut me off but she was so smug earlier it just wasn't okay and I... I just grabbed the pillow and suffocated her in her sleep."

I wanted to thank her for doing my job for me but I can't encourage her actions by commending her. l checked for a pulse to be sure she was truly dead. Her body is slightly warm.

"You should get out of here." I told her.

She put the pillow back underneath her grandmother's head. I refrained from touching anything. She backed away opening a trapped door against the wall. "Are you coming?"
I nodded especially because I could hear police sirens. She made sure to close the door. It was a dark walkway but I followed her at a safe distance. It led us out of the mansion. We stepped into the darkening evening. "There you go, safe and sound. Go down the road."



"You're free from her."

"You didn't see me today and I didn't see you." She walked in the opposite direction.

She's deeply disturbed.

It's surprising that two of the most evil people I know are suddenly gone. Armor's killer is her own granddaughter. It's a surprising turn of events. I walked back to the chateau.

Vivi's POV
I busied myself in the kitchen trying to listen in on Chen's stories. Everyone is listening keenly. She's had quite the adventure.

I have had quite the adventure myself. I wish mother would be here to see how well I have done. I married up just like she wanted. I have three wonderful children and even grandchildren. One more is on the way thanks to Theo's new girlfriend. I'm looking forward to meeting her and soon, the baby as well.

I have had many kisses along the way. I count each one as a necessary part of my journey to who I am right now. When Zeke said 'these things fix themselves' he was right. Francis took care of Scarlett. I hear Armor's own granddaughter took care of her. Wraith is still in the wind but like Zeke said, these things fix themselves.

"Do you need help?" Henrik came to the sink. His eyes looked around the small kitchen. "Why does he confine you in small spaces?"

"We are not big on luxurious living. Haven't you learned that the simplest things bring happiness?"

He observed me quietly. He rested his elbows on the kitchen counter taking in the mountainous view from the large window. He let out a delicate sigh. "I want you to know that if I had a second chance, I would do better. That's all. I know since he's back that will never happen and I want you to know that I'm okay with that. I respect your decision and whatever you have with him. I just hope we can remain friends. I don't want to lose you entirely."

I looked over my shoulders at Zeke holding our two grand children on either lap. "I'm happy." I informed him. "There's a point in my life that was so low, I never thought I'll ever be happy. But look at that. I have a family and you are part of that family Henrik. So yes, let's be friends. Who else will scare away the bimbos coming after the sugar daddy?" I winked at him.

A slight blush stained his cheeks. "You're amazing. Vivienne, you're amazing."

"We are taking a family photograph. Are you two joining?" Kai asked. We gladly got together. Zeke set the camera and settled down. As we waited for the timer, I took hold of his hand as well as Henrik's before we all smiled for the newest family portrait..


The Sinclair Series Book #1: Tragedy Of Love Where stories live. Discover now