Chapter 3: The Castle

Start from the beginning

Sounds of the forest I guess. I kept a sharp eye out for anything and anyone. I came out here to explore. I remembered seeing those red eyes out here last night. So, maybe The Wolf Boy lives somewhere in these woods. I continued stepping through the grass. For what seemed to be forever, I just walked and walked. I was almost ready to just forget this whole thing and turn around, but that's when suddenly something caught my eye.

I looked closely at it. It was a small opening in the woods just ahead. I could swear I see something through the cracks and holes between all of the trees. I picked up my pace and jogged through the bushes and grass. As soon as I came to the opening, I pushed aside some dangling willow tree leaves and looked out before me.

My jaw dropped. It was a big open field. Just a small open area, but all around it was woods. And in that open area, was a large, stone castle. I stared in total shock. Has this castle always been there? Just outside our small little town? I wonder if this is why they never let us back here. Maybe they don't want anyone to enter. I'm questioning whether or not to go in. I guess Mother Nature made the choice for me.

I heard a crack of thunder boom through the sky. Then just like that, the rain came pouring down. I covered my head with the hood on my sweater. I was too deep into the woods for me to run all the way back. So, I guess I have no other choice. I started to run towards the castle. I scurried through the pouring rain. The castle was a good 15, maybe 20 feet away from me. But it was still closer than home. I ran closer and closer 'til I finally made it to the front doors.

There was a small covering above me on the castle, so I no longer had to worry about getting soaked. There wasn't a doorbell, or knockers, or anything on the doors. There were just big handles. I think maybe... I should go in. I put my hand on the large handle, then slowly pulled on the door. It slowly opened. I was shocked. I'm surprised it wasn't locked at least. I pulled it all the way open and looked through the entrance. I swallowed hard, then slowly stepped into the castle.

I looked up and around. I was amazed. There were actual burning torches on the walls. The ceiling went way up high. There was a magnificent grand staircase that led up and up to another floor. There was a giant chandelier above me. Everything was spectacular. I turned around behind me and shut the door all the way.

As I turned back around, I started to walk forward a bit. I felt like I was looking everywhere but in front of me. I just couldn't get over how amazing this place was. It was still unbelievable how this huge castle has just been sitting outside of our town. I made my way to the staircase. I looked up at it. The railings and stairs were a polished, milk chocolate brown kind of color. And then on the stairs itself had a wide, long red carpet going up it. I took a silent deep breath, then slowly started to climb the steps.

The carpet beneath me was so soft and fuzzy that I couldn't even hear my own footsteps. My hand glided up the smooth railing as I made my way to the top of the steps. I turned around and looked down at everything below me. I take one last look around, then turn and walk down a long hallway. There were statues of shining armor holding shields and spears. There was another red carpet leading down the hallway as well.

I walked a little further, 'til suddenly, a room catches my eye. I turn towards it, and stare at the closed doors in front of me. Tall, dark purple doors with golden handles. I wonder what's behind here. I slipped both of my hands onto the handles, then used my strength to push them open. They flew open gracefully. I walked into the room and looked at what was before me.

I was astonished. Everywhere I looked, there were books. Books, books and more books. Shelves rose high up on the walls. There was even a staircase in here just to get to another floor of bookshelves. It was a library fit for a king. My jaw dropped looking at this phenomenal sight. I brought myself back to reality and walked around, still looking around everywhere.

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