Chapter 5: I Promise

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Laura's POV:

I was sweating from running all this way and a bit wet from the grass because of me crawling under the barbed wire just to get back into town. I ran down the road in the direction of my grandmother's house. I didn't feel like going home just yet. And her house was closer to where I am currently standing. I jog over to her small little home and walked up to her front door. I pulled down my damp hood and knocked three times on her teal colored door. My grandma lived in a tiny home. It was small, but warm and cozy on the inside. I waited for a moment, then the front door slowly creaked open. I turned and looked to see my grandma standing in front of me.

Grandma: Why hello dear. :) I was told you'd be coming!

Laura: Yea. 'he says with a nod'

Grandma: Come in quickly before you catch a cold.

I did as I was told and entered her house. I looked around. The first thing I noticed was a lit fire in the fireplace. It made the room feel nice and toasty. I could also smell freshly baked cookies over by the stove. Chocolate chip cookies. They were my favorite. My grandma always used to make them when I came to visit as a child. She loves to cook.

Grandma: I hope you saved some room for a cookie. :)

I lightly smiled, then accepted the cookie she held out to me. I took a bite of the moist, chewy cookie. Delicious, like always.

Laura: Thank you.

Grandma: You're welcome dear. :)

I continued to nibble on my cookie as I sat down at the kitchen table.

Grandma: Would you like something to drink? I made tea if you'd like some.

Laura: Yes, please.

I watched as my grandma poured me some tea. My grandma was pretty old in age. She was sixty five years old. Seems pretty old, but she is actually up and about a lot. She came back over moments later with a small mug of tea in hand. She set it down in front of me. I thanked her again. She smiled, and walked over to get herself a cup.

Grandma: So how has everything been with you dear?

Laura: Good. Slow, like usual. 'she says taking a sip of tea'

Grandma: *smiles* That's what you get for living in such a small town like this. Not much action, not much to do.

I just shrugged.

Laura: Hey... grandma?

Grandma: Yes?

Laura: ... Have you ever heard of someone called... The Wolf Boy?

I could instantly see the sparks of interest sparkle in her greenish brown colored eyes.

Grandma: Oh yes! I remember the legend of The Wolf Boy! They say he lives deep in the woods we have here in town. Ever since that legend, people have decided to fence up that woods, not allowing anyone to pass. Anyone to pass would have to face serious consequences.

I gulped.

Grandma: Why do you ask about The Wolf Boy?

I bit my lip. Should I tell her that I've seen him? That I've been to the castle and seen the inside? I wonder what her reaction would be.

Laura: Well... I um... I was just wondering...

My grandmother looked up at me, clearly not believing me statement.

Grandma: Oh come on Laura. I know you're hiding something.

Gosh grandma, why must you know me so well?

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