19: Gone

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*Y/N's P. O. V. *

The distinct smell of mixed chemicals is the first thing that I noticed the moment I became conscious again. I know we fucked up and I'm probably on the last minutes of my life right now. I'm laying down in a rather soft and comfortable bed, but I can't see because I'm blindfolded. I also can't move that much because both my wrists are tied on the sides of the bed.   

I'm already trying so hard to think of an escape plan, but seriously, by now I have zero chance of surviving this. I don't know where I am, I don't have a weapon, and I can't even move. This definitely won't end on a good note for me but somehow, I'm finding myself calmer than I expected...It's like I'm just patiently waiting for death.

After a few minutes, I heard a door open followed by several footsteps coming inside the room. I know it wasn't just one person, there might be three of them in here already. Their arrival finally did something to my heart because now I'm feeling it beat faster and faster.

"Out of all the people in Detroit, we ended up with the famous Detective Y/L/N," I heard one of them said and his voice suddenly jolted my adrenaline to wake. I know that voice - that confident yet provoking tone. It didn't change, it was still the same as before. His tone makes me feel like he's in control of everything and you have to comply with everything he is saying. It was amazing yet terrifying at the same time, "I think it's destiny," he continued and I felt him by my right side. I know he's so close to my face because I can feel his breathing too.

Elijah Kamski removed my blindfold and I was blinded by the bright light around me. I blinked my eyes a couple of times rapidly, pushing them to adjust with the sudden light change. My eyes quickly scanned the area and this place is totally different from what I have expected. We assumed that what's happening is an organ-harvesting business, but now that I have seen this place, that idea is all scratched in my head...Kamski was the one doing this, and with this kind of place - a secret high-maintenance laboratory, there's something else going on.

"You're the one behind all those deaths? What the hell is this, Kamski?!" I asked. My head is just full of questions.

I was looking at him but I also can't stop looking around. I'm inside a huge laboratory with so many advanced technologies and equipment. There are several huge types of equipment that look like an MRI Scanner but I'm pretty sure that's not really for MRI. High powered generators and computers are surrounding the whole room, there are a lot of Thirium bags hanging from the storage cabinet, and there is a huge number of different types of scalpel near me which I really don't like seeing.

"Well, contrary to what you and the rest of the DPD believe in, this, unfortunately, is not an organ-harvesting business, detective. I wish it was just that easy, but no...no. This is something more advanced, something that would prove that I really am the man of the century," he answered me and I swear, I don't like where this is going.

"You've killed 8 people! You have dehumanized them, it was like a monster has eaten all of their insides! You're an inventor, Kamski. Why on earth are you murdering people?" I asked. I kept pulling my arm, trying to break free from my ties but it wasn't really doing much, unfortunately.

"Well kill and murder are not the words that I would use, Y/L/N. It's more of a sacrifice for science and advancement," he explained while walking away from me.

"You've gone mad. You'll not get away with this, Kamski. I don't care if you're the man of the century, that doesn't justify what you did to those people!" I stated.

I realized one of the men that took me was also inside the room so as one of Kamki's RT600 android. They were both silently standing there and just watching me while I try to break free.

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