Chapter 3:

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The next day, the students were in the hallway, chatting, until Spike came back and pushed Ice Cube out the way. "Hey!" She exclaimed. "Hello freaks, back for more wedgies, I suppose?" Spike asked the boys. "Um, no, I was thinking of something more important then that." Pen replied. "And what's that?" Spike asked rudely. Then Uno and her girls started threatening him. "What have I told you about bullying Pen, never to do that again." She exclaimed. "Oh sorry, didn't see you there since you're a girl, and plus, girls are stupid and dumb." Spike rudely picked on Uno and made her pissed off that she did a bitch slap to his face.

Then she grabs his shirt and said "You better watch your back because I will hunt you down!" Spike sauntered away with fright and envy. "He deserved it, he was mean to my friend." Snowball said. "I know right, he even wanted to take advantage of you Uno." Blocky said to Uno. "You're telling me dude, that guy has some problems or something, I better go, see ya fellas." Uno said as she walked away with her friends.

Then the mean girls appeared and walked towards the guys. "So Pen, you think that you can stop this bet, well too bad, because, it's already started right now and nobody will stop us, especially you and your lame friends." Valentine rudely said. "You won't get away with this Val." Pen replied furiously. "I will find your secret and everybody will forget about this stupid bet." "Ha, doubt it, come on girls." Valentine said as the Queen Bees walked away with evil smirks on their faces. "I do not like them one bit." Eraser said. A weird looking Teardrop who had red eyes on her face. "Hey TD, what's up?" Eraser asked. Teardrop had a angry look on her face. "Nothing with you, male traitor." Teardrop said as she scoffed away. "Did she just ignored me like that, how dare she?" Eraser said angrily. Then they went after her for evidence.

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