"Take off your chest plate." She ordered, but I responded as I put my hands on the air,

"Free the boy first." She scowled, before she placed the dagger back in its sheath, letting the boy go. He ran towards the elevator, and true to my word, I took off my chest piece, the steel circles concealed underneath my shirt. Allyson looked directly into my eyes, glaring into my soul for a split second. I avoided her gaze, analyzing her body language, seeing her feet turn towards the door a split second before she ran for the elevator. I bolted towards the door, blocking her from entering just as the doors closed. Tears started to form in my eyes as I saw the distress in her own, the unfiltered rage and fear showing in her eyes as she pushed me against the wall. I quickly deflected her hand away from the elevator, shoving her out of the hallway into the large space. The door closed behind us, and I broke the keypad that unlocked it, trapping us in. Some lights flickered before they turned off, but what mattered was that none of us could escape. I looked back at her, her face twisted with rage and resent. I took off the two steel circles from my sides, my thumbs on the buttons. But I couldn't bring myself to press the buttons, to start the fight between us. I didn't want to fight her, it was the very last thing I would have ever wanted to do.

"I don't wanna fight you, please, don't make me do this." I begged her, hoping for her to miraculously change her mind. We needed a miracle now.

"Not all of us get what we want, Anthony." She scowled as she loaded her twin blasters, aiming them at me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, feeling nothing but heartbreak. But being a hero...you have to do things you wish you'll never have to.

"I'm so sorry, Ally." I whispered under my breath as I pressed the buttons on the steel circles, throwing them in the air, the handles and blades extending from the circles to form two steel, jagged, twin daggers. She lunged towards my left, but I dodged right, quickly ducking to avoid the strike of a dagger when she changed directions. I looked up to see a ghouled Geoshard coming for me, but behind her back, I saw her hand form a path. I quickly dived towards the right, snatching Bonfire off the floor and dodging an incoming Frostfang, but I didn't see the Bubblash before it swallowed me. I took out one of the daggers, and I stabbed the bubble, breaking it. I rolled into a landing before I deflected Ally's dagger with the other, landing a kick in her stomach. She stumbled back but she regained her footing like that kick didn't affect her at all.

"What's wrong, Anthony? Too much of a coward to fight me?" She taunted, before she faked a strike at my head, actually going for my inner thigh with her other dagger. I jumped back, avoiding both as I high kicked her hand, causing her to drop her dagger. But she caught it, barely missing my cheek.

"What happened to you? Why would you work for a monster trying to destroy his own home?" I begged the question as I dodged blow after blow.

"Why?" She echoed, sheathing her daggers and placing her blasters back at her holsters, her hands empty. She walked towards me, and I stepped back, ready to fight with the power she had at her fingertips.

"Dark energy holds a type of power, Anthony. A power your pathetic self couldn't begin to comprehend. Once you can control it, you see what the world can be." Dark red specks of light danced around her moving fingers, and chills ran up my spine, the dark energy radiating from her.

"Slugterra will become a wasteland of ruins." I protested, but all she did was chuckle.

"And from those ruins, we rebuild an empire." She uttered before she fired a ghouled Pyringo at me, and I dived to the right, grabbing one of my gauntlets and shooting my Aquabeek, Droplet, to deflect it, quickly firing a Sand Angler, blinding her and giving myself some time to breathe. I looked down at my belt, but my slugs chirped frantically and I looked up as a Grimmstone rammed into my chest. I was knocked back against the wall, the wind knocked out of me as I gasped, getting to my feet, then falling back down again to dodge an Aquafreak. A Greneater exploded nearby me, and I fell to the ground further away, landing so I didn't hurt myself. An idea formulated in my mind as I got up, and I looked over at Bonfire, who hopped upwards to my shoulder, returning to me.

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