Chapter 27. Hundred Reasons.

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Kaine seemed hesitant at first but it didn't last long, he got to his feet and ducked off to the side away from the window.

His eyes lit up once he saw me pull out the second gun and slide it over to him with my foot.

He grabbed it and after checking the clip his face twitched like he was tempted to smile but suppressed it.

I moved against a wall and glanced out the window spotting a black truck with about five men that hopped out.

They were looking up at the window and one of the men made a gesture before they all dispersed.

"The back, you go first" Kaine demanded as he nodded his head towards the back. I shifted the gun in my hand before agreeing.

I took off running and could sense Kaine behind me, moving faster than I was. His hand was placed on my back and he reached out and grabbed my shirt once we heard footsteps running up the stairs.

"I got it, shoot that way so the others don't know where the shooting is coming from" I said and Kaine looked me over like he wanted to protest.

Before he could I moved and opened fire on one of the men who made it to the top of the back staircase.

Each of the bullets tore through his chest as he clutched it and fell backwards.

I could hear Kaine shooting off in the opposite direction before he joined me and we ran down the stairs.

I kept my gun on the man incase he got up, but his body lay still and Kaine kicked the mans gun away from him.

"He's dead Ron, keep going" Kaine demanded as he kept turning to watch our surroundings.

"This way!" A man yelled and as soon as he rounded the corner Kaine fired a single shot as if he were expecting it.

He hit the man in the head and sent him falling over the banister.

I grabbed my brothers arm and we took another set of steps that were falling apart.

My hand began to cramp up and twitch, something that had begun to happen after I took a box cutter to my arms a couple weeks ago.

"We almost out" Kaine said after noticing my dilemma. I gripped my gun tighter to keep from dropping it while Kaine fired a few shots from behind me.

Eventually we made it to the busted up back exit and ran outside. Kaine tucked the gun into his pants before we took off running up the street trying to get back to his car.

I glanced over doing a double take when I noticed a man rush out of the building. He lifted his gun up to shook Kaine but I shot at him first and hit his chest.

He dropped his gun and I kept running through the street not sticking around to see if he was dead.

Kaine hit the start up button on his car and we quickly got in. He hit the gas when we heard police sirens and I felt my heart beating against my chest.

"I'm tired of this shit" I complained as Kaine tapped his steering wheel trying to avoid traffic and get us the fuck from around the area.

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