the mistake

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Vanessa's POV
I actually can't believe it, is this real? Is this actually happening? I can't believe that I Vanessa Merrell got accepted into the college of my dreams - LA Arts!! Yes i know this school may sound like your typical performing arts basic bitch school but no... this is literally the best one in the world!! I actually can't wait!!
I ventured my way through the overwhelming crowed streets to the registration stand, pulling the only thing I could actually attempt to carry from my moving stuff. After trying for about 5 minutes to gather one of the flustered ladies attention I found out my dorm room would be #213. I can't wait to meet my new roommate, I hope we can be best friends as I don't really know anybody in the area right now as I have literally just arrived from Michigan. I realised it would probably be easier to go and find my dorm and get situated with my surroundings before I attempted to move my boxes - maybe my new roommate will help me?
Walking around for about a solid 20 mins, I finally managed to at least be in the right building for my dorm ahah typical Vanessa. As I was about to open the next door to what I was wishing would be my corridor, I felt my whole body get thrown at the wall knocking my suitcase over and probably breaking a rib. I turned around ready to release actual hell on the nobody!
'umm what the fu..', I tried to finish before the still unknown person had the decency to interrupt.
'watch where your going sexy', the tall male laughed out
'excuse me but..' - I was frozen, I had never seen anything so beautiful! What stood in front of me was a perfectly structured guy, with at least a whole foot in height on me, with dazzling brown eyes and a smile precious like a puppy. Wait! What am I doing? This dude just literally assaulted me stop it vanessa.
My mouth stayed open for what seemed like the longest time as I just stared and attempted to take in what had just happened. I watched the perf.. i mean asshole walk down the hallway as if nothing had just happened. I think I hate him!

After recovering from the mishap I continued my way to find the dorm. Pushing open the door and finally taking a breather, I am alarmed by an arrogant and angry tone of voice, 'listen gorgeous if you really want some of this comeback later I'll let you in.' Disgusted by the fact that I had judged this guy as being previously perfect but was in fact just a dickhead, I replied confidently, 'ahha yeah you wish now get out of my dorm before you scare my roommate off.' The shear look of panic on his face told me only one thing..he was my roommate!


Ik this is only short, but I promise I am going to start writing the next chapter now. I don't even know if anyone is going to read this ahah as they aren't even a popular ship but I'm actually generally excited to write this. Please comment ideas and suggestions x

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