"Acacia!" I jumped at the sound of Scott's voice bringing me out of my daze behind his shoulder.

I glanced at Kyle again before, bringing my eyes back to a very.. pissed off alpha which happens to be my boyfriend at this very moment.

"What hell is going on with you!?" Scott almost yells, bringing some of are fellow students to look at us.

"Nothing!" I say, annoyed even though I shouldn't be.

Scott eyes narrow, his hands balling into fists. "You know I can tell when you're lying. Its not hard, Acacia!"

I give up arguing with him, sighing tiredly and hating that we just had are first real argument when we never do that to each other. I walk towards Scott wrapping my arms around his waist, and then nuzzling my face into his neck.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, my voice defeated.

Scott wraps his arms around me, kissing the top of my head then rubbing my white sweater covered back. I pulled away from him, looking him in the eyes.

"I'm just really tired, okay? I haven't been sleeping lately." I wrap my arms around myself.

I look down at my feet, shifting my weight back and forth. It felt like there was still tension between us and I hate feeling like that and I hate lying to Scott also, but I'm protecting him and it's better that he doesn't know about Kyle.

"You should of told me.. We could've watched movies to help you sleep." Scott tells me, intwining are fingers as we start walking again.

"I know.. and I'm sorry." I sigh again, squeezing his fingers in mine.


Ever since I saw Kyle, I've been running at night to take mind off of it. Even though it's the stupidest idea to do knowing he's out there I still do it. Tied up my running shoes and walked down the steps quietly, making sure to not wake up Isaac and -especially- Scott. I step outside the smell of rain filling my senses. This is gonna be a good run.

I jog for a couple of minutes, keeping my pace slow and steady until get to the trail in the woods. Once I get to the woods, I start pushing myself further and faster and harder. The rain started to pour, the feeling cooling my body temperature down. I loved running and especially of its raining. It feels good and it's just takes all that anger out me. Im just tired of people asking me questions and stuff. I need to gather my thoughts about what's going on with Kyle.

Something shining caught my eye causing me to stop running abruptly. I see a fence with a no trespassing sign on it and my heart literally breaks in two. I run towards the fence, my fingers gripping the metal. I feel sick to my stomach and all I can feel is water blurring my vision. I'm not sure if it's the rain or my tears that's doing that, but all I can see is the remains of what used to be the Hale house. My actual real home, I guess.

Peter told me I was too young to remember coming to the house but he said I loved it here and every time we had to go I would scream, "No! I want to stay with auntie Talia!" That's all I know about from being at that house and it just breaks my heart that I never got to see it when I got older. I lost my favorite person also... My godmother Talia. I dropped to my knees, mud covering the bare skin and rest my head against the fence.

"You miss her too, huh?" I snap my head around to see Derek standing there with a solemn, distant look on his face like he was remembering good things.

"Yeah, I wish I could of saw her when I old enough to remember things." I chuckle, standing to my feet feeling the mud on my knees and legs.

"You were two the last time you were here and I remember this because we used to play with the basketball in the house and my mom would yell at us along with yours." He laughed softly, while a smile fell upon my lips.

That's the first time I've ever heard him laugh before. I wish had more moments like this with my cousin.

"I wished I remembered a lot of things before my parents found out I was the Demon Wolf.." I sighed, walking towards Derek.

My older cousin wrapped an arm around me, pulling me away from the house. "Why's that?"

"Once they found out they locked me downstairs in the basement and kept me in there every time a blood moon came. Maybe that's why we never came back and visited?"

He laughed, "Yeah, maybe that's why I almost killed you when I saw you for the first time again."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him until the memory of my first day at Beacon Hills flashed through my mind. I punched him in his stomach, causing to lean over in pain.

"What was that for!?" He said, breathing heavily.

"That's for not recognizing your little cousin and for putting her in a choke hold." I say, sassily putting my hands on my hips.

"Okay, I deserve that." I giggle, and we continue walking down the trail.

It's nice spending time with Derek, he's actually not as scary as he seems to be. I wish I could have lived in Beacon Hills to spend more time with them before the fire happened..

Eventually, Derek walks me home telling me to stay safe and ruffles my hair while he's at it which earned him another punch in the stomach. I laugh as I shut the door behind me quietly, slipping my wet running shoes off my feet and inching towards the stairs. Before I'm able to put one foot on a stair a voice coming from the living room catches me off guard.

"Where were you?" Scott asks, his voice monotone.

"I went for a run." I walked towards where he was in the living room, sitting on the arm of the couch he was sitting on.

"Then why did you sneak out?" Scott stands up, pacing back and forth. How did he even know I snuck out?

"Wait, were you watching me Scott?" I question, my eyes narrowing.

"You didn't answer my question." He says, ignoring my question.

I stand up now getting annoyed, "So you were watching me!"

"So what if I did? I'm tired of my girlfriend sneaking around my back and lying to me!" Scott yells, stopping his pacing and standing in front of me.

"All I did was go out for a run! What the hell is the matter with you!?" I started walking out of the room done with this conversation but Scott wasn't done yet.

"Are you cheating on me?" I stopped, turning around on my heels.

"What?" My eyes grow wide.

"Are you cheating on me?" Scott questions again.

"Are you seriously accusing me of cheating right now!?" I ask, incredulously.

"I don't know.. Are you?"

I run my hands through my damp hair, taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly. I can't believe he thinks I'm cheating on him.

"No.. I'm not." I say, angrily.

"Are you lying?"

I step towards him, looking him straight in the eyes. "No. I'm not cheating on you. Did you listen to my heart beat?"

Scott eyes widen, his mouth opens to say something but I stop him raising my hand. "Don't. I'll sleep down here you can sleep in your bed."

I push past him towards the couch, laying down and turning into the couch closing my eyes hoping for sleep to come fast..

authors note: hey guys! so I finally updated and I have my a new phone so i can write again! i hope you guys liked the chapter and please please comment and vote. i love you guys lots!

so im going to write a Liam story and I was wondering if any of you guys would read it? it'll probably follow season 4 and probably won't depending on how I want it to go.

do you guys have an Instagram? if so you should follow me @jaee.holmess

qotc: What's your favorite song/singer?

Mine is Sia and my favorite is the song for the chapter. Cellophane.

please comment and vote!


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