I blushed in embarrassment and looked back at Rex, who smirked at me as he folded his arms over his chest.

"You need to be more watchful."

"He looked harmless."

"Didn't I look harmless at first?" Rex asked, tilting his head. I scrunched up my nose, shaking my head.

"Yer like a wrestler wearin' designer clothin'. You ain't harmless." I drawled, making Rex shrug before he took my hand again and we continued down the sidewalk to the restaurant. I wanted to rip my hand away again, but for some reason, I got a chill up my back, so I didn't argue.

 I didn't want another stalker like Anthony. Already I was wondering why he hadn't jumped me the moment I came out of my apartment. Was it because Rex was with me? If so, I wasn't going to complain as much anymore about having him with me. If it meant that Anthony was kept at bay, then I'd easily put up with Rex.

A little nagging voice at the back of my head asked me what the difference between the two was. After all, Anthony's intentions were evil, just like Rex's. Only Rex actually went through and did those things to me.

But you didn't dislike it, did you? I cringed and shook my head, trying to distract myself with the smell of food that wavered out of the Old Country Buffet. The homemade food made my stomach clench and growl as I managed to break away from Rex, who just smirked at me as he got our table and I just went straight for the food.

Every time I came here, I piled my plate high. It was rare to get anything that wasn't microwavable or doused in sugary sweetness.

I plopped down in my seat and dug in. Rex came back with a half-full plate and ate more daintily than I did. He may look like a buff man with an attitude, but he really was just a feminine gay. At least, that's how I saw it because there was no way, despite everything that happened, that I would let Rex take me.

I was a man too, and I deserved to be treated like one. I may not be the strongest, but I sure could take a lot without complaining. And by that, I mean pain, not having to go on a date with my best friend's boyfriend's friend...

"Since this is a date," Rex said, making me glance up past my hair, "Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself? Quite honestly, I hardly know a thing."

"Cuz we met yesterday," I drawled, taking a gulp of soda before glancing at Rex pointedly, "Which brings me to ask, why the hell do you think you adore me 'er whatever you said before." Rex blinked, then smiled brightly.

"Well. When you first walked in, I'll admit, I was attracted to the way you look, which is a shocker for me. I'm a sucker for blondies, but you're the first brunette that turned me on that much."

"I'm eatin'."

"You asked."

"Touche. So, what? You just like me cuz I'm attractive?" I asked dryly, reaching up to look at my almost black hair for a moment before looking at Rex, who smiled as he leaned on his elbows on the table.

"It was like that at first, but I liked hearing your accent too. It's adorable. Then I liked you talking about whatever. You seem interesting and I like boys who make me work for their affections. It's like a game of cat and mouse." He responded, making my cheeks get hot. I looked down at my meal for a moment, then scowled.

"You can't just fall in love with someone at first glance. That ain't love. It's just you gettin' perverted." I accused. Rex looked surprised.

"Oh, what? You don't believe in love at first sight?"

"I don't believe in it in general."

"You're lying."

"How do you know?"

To Be or Not to Be [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now