Chapter 18: Tomoe

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(This is written in 3rd person)

Ever since the beginning of time, the habits of fate and destiny have never faltered. It was not so long ago...when the forces of darkness and light were brought together. The sad thing is they have always been separated. After all, do those who have sinned even deserve a happy ending?

Though the Gods may seem cruel...they do give second chances, even to those with such a darkness in their hearts. For there is a hope. Her. For Tomoe, it was always her. She is the only one who can save him. 

A figure cloaked in white hovered over (Y/n), who is stranded on the plain between life and death. "I will die in your place, lovely one." The God lays a kiss upon her forehead. She is pulled back to life.

"You must be patient, (Y/n). You may not remember him in the future...but you are both Tomoe's savior and undoing. It will not be easy. But you taught him love once. You can do it again."

The figure slowly starts to fade away, breaking apart into a million shards of bright light.

"It is not your time yet," the figure brushes a dainty hand over (Y/n)'s face, pushing the hair out of her eyes, "May you return to where you once were, (Y/n). I wish you well."

The figure turns toward the small blue butterfly.

"You know what you have to do."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

A bright light greets my eyes as I awaken from least that's what I think it was. I gaze across the land and see what looks like the remains of a burnt down village.

As the last rays of the sunset fade, I wonder....where am I? Who am I-No. I know who I am. But why am I here? I feel empty.

I jump down and head towards a glistening creek. I sit by the side of the creek, feeling utterly alone in this desolate place. A drop of water falls on my hand and I look up at the sky, but it's not raining. Am I...crying?

I clutch my robes tighter around me, the feeling of unknown loss and profound sadness spreading through me. This place has a sense of beginning, nostalgia, and it makes me wonder, what exactly...did I lose? I lay there in solitude, missing a certain warmth of something, maybe...someone.

Mikage, The Land God of the Era, P.O.V

In the distance, I can see a figure walking slowly, without purpose. As they near I see it is him. The curse of death is upon him.

"Come here, fox," I call out to him.

He stares at me with empty eyes and mindlessly walks toward me. I take him inside and examine the curse marks on his body.

"As I predicted, an evil fallen God cast these marks upon you, binding you to death. You made a contract with one?"

The fox yokai lies on the floor of my shrine, his eyes glazed over.

"I vowed to spend the rest of my life with the woman I loved. I...could not save her, so now, my life will end as well. But, even if I die, I won't be able to be with her. She was far too good for me..."

I stare at him in wonder. For him to feel like this... "Did you really love her that much?"

Tomoe stares up at his bloodstained hand. "I loved her...more than anything. I didn't care what happened to long as she could live her life happily, as long as I could stay with her forever. Maybe....if we were given forever, I could finally erase all the pain in her heart. We could've had a family. We could've had everything. If only we were given forever..." Tomoe lets his hand drop to cover his eyes, "But here I am, without her, in my final moments..."

I press my hand to his forehead, smiling slightly. "You do not need to die, child. I will help you. With each passing day, you will forget. With each passing day, the pain in your heart will cease. As long as you don't remember, the curse will stay buried..."

The morning comes, bringing a new day. I look down at Tomoe, seeing that he is asleep.

"Not all is lost, my dear fox. (Y/n) will find you again, just you wait."


Thank you for reading. A SEQUEL WILL BE OUT SOON!!

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